
Well Known Member
Hey all,

I'm finalizing my wiring plan for my RV10's wings, and have decided I'm going to use 9-pin CPC connectors in each of the wingtips to run the wiring for my AeroLEDs and my Dynon heated pitot controller back to the wing root.

Here are the connectors:

Trouble is I can't figure out which pins I need to get to hook the 18 gauge wires for the lights and the 12 gauge power wire for the dynon controller into this connector.

Aircraft spruce sells a connector kit, so I know they must sell the pins:

I'm not sure what's in the connector kit or I'd go ahead and look into that.

Would love some help here!
Same as Dsub

If I remember correctly, the CPC takes the same pins/sockets as the Dsub connectors. I used CPCs for my autopilot servo connections and used the machined style rather than the "sheet metal" style pins. Don't recall the part number off the top of my head.

EDIT: 205089 and 205090 AMP/TE connectivity.

If I remember, there are variations of the CPCs that have combinations of different size/capacity pins. Not sure the one you are spec-ing is that type. You certainly couldn't put one of these pins on a 12 ga wire.

You're probably better off digging through the AMP catalog and then going with Mouser, DigiKey, etc rather than Spruce for what you are looking for.
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CPC type 2 connectors use machined Dsub pins. There is a buch of additional info on the Spruce site, but I think they have misidentified the connectors as 'type 11’.

Best source for pins is Steinair.

Digikey also has connectors and pins.
Thanks to you both, that's really helpful. Mousers research it is.

I think my problem is trying to get the 12awg wire into this connector as well. What I'll probably end up doing is running a separate wire for the heater box and keeping it out of the connector and the bunch of 18 gauge wires.

Keeping it together would look cleaner, but it feels like I'm forcing it for sure.
CPC type 2 connectors used machined Dsub pins. There is a bunch of additional info on the Spruce site, but I think they have misidentified the connectors as 'type 11?.

Best source for pins is Steinair.

Digikey also has connectors and pins.
Thanks to you both, that's really helpful. Mousers research it is.

I think my problem is trying to get the 12awg wire into this connector as well. What I'll probably end up doing is running a separate wire for the heater box and keeping it out of the connector and the bunch of 18 gauge wires.

Keeping it together would look cleaner, but it feels like I'm forcing it for sure.

AMP CPC Type 2 connectors use D-sub sized pins, which are for 18-22 AWG, so no way a 12 AWG wire is going to work there. Pins are M39029/64-369, sockets are M39029/63-368. p. 30 of:

Use the machined-barrel pins and sockets, not the open-crimp style.

ETA: BTW, you may wish to use the free-hanging connectors and an Adel clamp to hold it, rather than the flanged connector. I did this in a few places, worked well. Details on everything in the AMP catalog.
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AMP CPC Type 2 connectors use D-sub sized pins, which are for 18-22 AWG, so no way a 12 AWG wire is going to work there. Pins are M39029/64-369, sockets are M39029/63-368.

Huh, I'm seeing in that PDF that the type 2 connectors only handle 24-20 AWG wires. It looks like the series 1 can handle Type III+ pins, which can size up to 18AWG.

Because Aircraft Spruce is selling the series 2 I'm guessing that this is what the RV14 is using, yeah? But for the AeroLEDs it looks like I'll need to go with a series 1. Is that right?
The "Shell 11" is really eleven and not roman numeral II. The backshells and strain relief come in several sizes like 11 and 17. The CPCs Spruce sells do not use Dsub pins. You'll get much better insight into the variety of connectors available by perusing the Mouser or Digikey catalogs.
Huh, I'm seeing in that PDF that the type 2 connectors only handle 24-20 AWG wires. It looks like the series 1 can handle Type III+ pins, which can size up to 18AWG.

Because Aircraft Spruce is selling the series 2 I'm guessing that this is what the RV14 is using, yeah? But for the AeroLEDs it looks like I'll need to go with a series 1. Is that right?

You're right...the D-subs are 20-24 AWG (although IIRC, you can get an 18 in there if you work it just right :) ).

I like CPCs, but they may not be the right choice for your application. Dunno, don't know anything about the wiring for Aeroleds. I know that for the heater for my Dynon pitot tube, because of the larger gauge wires, I went with my (not favorite) Molex connectors.

One potential pitfall in using non-Type-2 CPCs is that you may have to invest in an ever-expanding variety of crimp tools...versus using the same crimper for all your D-subs AND the type 2 CPCs. Just a thought.
I know that for the heater for my Dynon pitot tube, because of the larger gauge wires, I went with my (not favorite) Molex connectors.

Same here for my AeroLEDs. Will likely do the same for my Dynon heated pitot for the same reason. I despise the use of molex but sometimes it is the only option.

Hey all,
I'm finalizing my wiring plan for my RV10's wings, and have decided I'm going to use 9-pin CPC connectors in each of the wingtips to run the wiring for my AeroLEDs and my Dynon heated pitot controller back to the wing root

If you plan for aileron trim and/or an autopilot 9-pin will not be enough. Don't forget things like the strobe sync wires, OAT probes (dual adahrs uses 2 of these), stall warning horn, taxi/landing lights, ground wires ...

I recently purchased the 24 position Series 1 free hanging CPC's for the wingroot connectors from mouser but have not yet installed them Don't forget the cable clamps that screw onto the back of the connector.

Another benefit to the series 1's is you can get pin and sockets ranging form 14 to 30awg. Here is a link to the AMP CPC details pdf

For your 12AWG wire you can spread the wire out across multiple pins. Splice the larger wire into 2 or more lesser awg wires going through the CPC's then join them back to the larger wire. Use solder sleeves for the splice points. This is another reason to purchase a larger connector than you think you need.

Here are some of the TE part numbers for the stuff I purchased from mouser.

Series 1 CPC, Shell Size 23
24 Pin Receptacle - 206838-2
24 Pos Plug - 206837-1
Std Cable Clamp - 206138-8 (need 2 per connector)
Extraction Tool - 305183

Pins & Socket (buy lots of extra)
24-20awg socket - 1-66105-9
24-20awg pin - 1-66103-8
18-14awg socket - 1-66360-2
18-14awg pin - 1-66361-2
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