
Well Known Member
Living in BC and looking for a company to check my oil samples. So far I've found Fluid Life in Edmonton Alberta. Any others that you could recommend?
Prefer not to use a US company to avoid the hassles.
I've used Finning, they probably have a service truck covering your area - the service trucks usually carry the oil analysis sample bottles. Meet up with him somewhere when he is doing a service close by.
BTA kamloops

I use BTA in kamloops


only done a few samples, but they seem conscientious, and have personally called me to discuss the results. I think owner Ed lalonde may be an AME, the name sure sounds familiar....but in any case they do a ton of work for the mines & gov. in the area....use the usual prepaid kits etc.

Jim, what kind of oil? I use Exxon Elite 20-50w, and recently sent a clean stock sample, so they should have that on hand for reference now.
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Thanks for the replies - more choice than I realised. I guess it's not just aircraft owners that want oil analysed!
Perry, I wonder if Ed Lalonde is related to Bart Lalonde at Aerosport?
BTW I'm using Aeroshell 15W50.