
Well Known Member
I'll be done with the emp kit soon and am looking for direction in which slow build kit to work on next, the wings or the fuselage? Looks like most go with the wings, wondering why?

I would go with the fuselage. Perhaps some go with the wings for two reasons. Wings probably store easier and wings take longer to complete. (my opinion) Storage was never an issue for me and I like finishing one assembly before moving on to another. I had to purchase the wings first on this one due to availability.
Riveting the lower wing skins on without beating up the structure, or causing damage, takes the most skill of any part of the building process. It may be a good idea to proceed with the fuselage and obtain some more hours behind a bucking bar before tackling the lower wing skins.
I am working through my slow build wing kit and it's very repetitive and a lot of work but satisfying to see them come together. Ailerons and flaps require a lot of careful assembly to avoid twists being built in unlike the empennage kit parts where it is rather difficult to assemble a twisted part. Honestly though, it probably depends on what you might want to work on next. I don't think there is a real advantage or disadvantage to do the wings or the fuselage kits next in the greater scheme of things.
Agree that if storage is an issue, go with the wings. They store easily.

If not, go with the fuselage. You can then mount the tail feathers to the finished fuselage and tail cone, storing them on the plane.

I went with the wings because of storage and unavailability of the fuselage kit at the time. I also hung the tailcone from the ceiling along with the wings. It is light so it stored easily hanging over the hood of my car.
I thought on Vans site it says wings must be completed before fuselage?? I am in the same boat deciding which kit?
I thought on Vans site it says wings must be completed before fuselage?? I am in the same boat deciding which kit?

I looked on Van's site and didn't see any reference to wings before fuselage. If you order the fuselage before the wings, there are no wing parts to store while you are building the fuselage. As stated earlier, the more you can practice your riveting skills, the better off you are. Also, there is a strong case to doing the quickbuild wings. If I were to start today, I would start with the tail, then fuselage, maybe even finishing kit, then order QB wings, then FWF.
Pretty sure the QB wings do not have the lower skins installed, which is the most difficult part in my opinion. I cannot personally see the cost advantage of the quick build wing vs the standard wing kit.
Thanks for the thoughts, I think the fuselage is probably what I will go with since storage is not an issue. In looking at Van's Flow Chart on page 01-01 of the Emp kit plans, it really doesn't make much difference.

Happy Building

Well there are some fuselage bulkhead pieces and the lonerons that are shipped with the wing kit so at least on the RV-7 I'm not sure how you could build the fuselage first.

Independent of that I would say that the wings are more repetitive and it does take some time. I would stick with the wings first.
CWOOD if you go with the fuselage next then order W-00026 as well. You will need this alignment template in two places, the flap actuating rod and the canopy release mechanism. It comes in the wing kit so you will be held up without it. Couldn't be more than a couple of bucks.
Well there are some fuselage bulkhead pieces and the lonerons that are shipped with the wing kit so at least on the RV-7 I'm not sure how you could build the fuselage first.

Independent of that I would say that the wings are more repetitive and it does take some time. I would stick with the wings first.

Not so on the RV-14.
I'm up to my elbows in proseal right now working on the tanks. As this is my second slow-build RV, I agree with others who have stated that the wings are the most time consuming and most tedious part of the airframe build. Once you've seen one rib, you've seen 'em all. If I could comfortably part with the cash for QB wings I'd do it in a heartbeat, but if you can't, I'd recommend just getting them done and out of the way as soon as possible. Then you can go on to the fuselage which is a lot more fun.