
Well Known Member
RV-8, O-360, fixed pitch Sensenich prop. Current setup is one CMI magneto Model S4LSC-21 running the lower Tempest REM40E plugs and one E-Mag Model P113 (a P-Mag) running the top NKG BR8ES R solid post plugs.

What should I consider if I want the most reliable setup?
Two of the same type, I would replace the mag with another P-mag.
But, there is no real answer to this question. You will find people who have had trouble with each type of ignition system. My view is a self powered ignition is intrinsically more reliable than one dependant on an external power source, which is any ignition other than a mag or a P-mag. But that's only my view.
I'm about to replace 2 mags with 2 P-mags.
My thoughts:
- Your 113 series eMag is at least a couple of decades old. If you keep it you need to send it in to update the firmware. Better choice however is to install two new pMags now.
- I hate mags. I hate aviation plugs and the maintenance they need.
- I installed pMags on my old RV-8A, on the new RV-8 as well as my old RV-10. The IO-540 engine I just ordered from Thunderbolt (Lycoming) will have dual pMags.

I suggest there are two basic ignition camps:
- The ignition does not require ship power to keep the engine running (traditional mags or pMags).
- The ignition does require ship power to keep the engine running (all other EI options).

If you go the second route, you will need to do a careful design of your power distribution system. I suggest just adding a small backup battery is not sufficient.

Thanks for the replies. I had been thinking about replacing the aviation mag with a second P-Mag, but my P-Mag has been sent back for a second rebuild in 3 months, and the aviation mag was checked and found to have problems within 250 hours of a 500 hour inspection. I believe once the shop returns the airplane to service, I will monitor both mags closely for a while and research more before deciding which to replace.

The backstory is in this thread:

Are you asking about safety, or reliability? My personal experience is that magnetos are not reliable. I have had varying degrees of failures on at least 4 occasions; however, they are safe because there are two of them and the the chances of them both failing at the same time is slim.
The p-mags had some early teething problems, but their reliability seems to be quite good now. All-in, p-mags are probably safer than magnetos too.
The other electronic ignitions all require external power. A very well though-out installation could be very safe, but many are vulnerable to pilot error.
My thoughts:
- I hate mags. I hate aviation plugs and the maintenance they need.

I run Bendix mags with Fine wire plugs, pretty much bulletproof system if you service them occasionally, and if there is a problem practically every mechanic in the world can help you fix them or has a spare laying around (not to mention all the shops that OH them).
I can do quite a few 500 hr mag checks for the cost of a set of PMAGS (which BTW are not install and forget). The ROI on PMAGS is slim.

Not against EI (I've had them all except CPI) but I think most people tend to overate the advantages and overlook the disadvantages (single source).
Still not a fan of bolting a CPU to the back of the engine, Sh*t gets awfully hot here in TX!

New is not always better, how often do you have to replace your home electronics/appliances now compared to 50 yrs ago.
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Best of both world

Why not consider what so many of us have done.
One Mag and one EI.
For both of my Rvs I had a slick mag with impulse coupling and an LSE Plasma.
So far the only headache is the ongoing Service bulletin for my slick mags every 250 hours etc.
I do like the self contained magneto but I also enjoy the sophistication of the Plasma III. Its truly the best of both worlds.
I have over 6,000 aggregate hours in 5 homebuilts. Each has one Slick and one LSE Klausinator. If a Bendix mag would have fit, there would have been one Bendix and one LSE on each plane.

My criteria: 1) I shouldn't fall out of the sky 2) The plane shouldn't leave me stranded on the ground somewhere god forsaken, and 3) I can always launch when I want/need to.

One EI get me 90+% the benefits of having two EI's, but maximizes 1, 2, and 3 above.
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Thanks for all the responses. I've made notes of the ignition options to consider. Right now, I plan to stay with my existing set-up of an aviation mag on the left and a P-Mag on the right. E-Mag offers great customer service and just took care of the problem with my P-Mag with a no-charge repair. More details are at this thread: https://vansairforce.net/community/showthread.php?t=198447