LifeofReiley said:
ACK E-01 ELT or AK450 ELT


I bought the AK450 but hindsight has me wishing I had purchased the ACK instead. Look at some of the builder web sites for methods of attaching the unit. Check Dan's and see how easy his mount for the ACK is. The AK450 is much wider and therefore can't be mounted using Dan's very clean approach. You'll see that many AK450 users need to build a suspended structure spanning half way across the fuselage if they chose to install aft of the baggage bay. The issue is that the ELT can't be attached to skin - it MUST be attached to primary structure. The added structure adds weight, complexity and construction time. Many builders use the same span of structure to mount their strobe power supply beside the ELT.

There may be other methods (I once thought of putting it on the baggage floor but nixed that idea) but it whatever location you choose needs to be on primary structure, in the rear and accessable for battery changes or...chirp, chirp, chirp.

I think the ACK may be an easier install due to its shape.

If you think you might want to xmit voice using either ELT, I think only one of your two choices has that capability.

On a related line:
With my incomplete understanding of the situation, I doubt if you could use any brand of headset mike to do it on the AK 450 which does have voice capability, because to activate it I presume one needs a PPT, still mounted in the plane and not part of the "system" when the headset mic is plugged directly into the ELT.


The way I visualize the use of voice on the ELT is to carry another mic with its built-in PTT, like we used to use (in the "old" days ;) ).

Please correct me if I am wrong and tell me if I am right. I just haven't gotten that far with the reserach for my AK 450.

But, on the other hand, if the wreck (OUCH!) is severe enough to set off the ELT, will I feel like getting it from its mount, find the spare mike, put up the removable antenna, and seek help with it? :eek: It could be pretty far fetched, huh.

Thanks for your help, insight, and expertise in advance.

Don Gray
Cortland, OH
N17QB 7A in progress


I read that feature and it does seem a little far fetched that someone is going to find their way into the tail of the aircraft to dig out the ELT after a crash. That's the last place I would want to be.

I think you're dead on with the PTT, one of the PTT cords with the velco mount we used to strap on the control would probably work. But after a crash, who's going to go digging around to find the PTT, head set, antenna, ELT etc... I don't know, maybe after things have settled a little.

I think you're right that is might not be the feature to make a decision upon.

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Jekyll said:

I bought the AK450 but hindsight has me wishing I had purchased the ACK instead. Look at some of the builder web sites for methods of attaching the unit. Check Dan's and see how easy his mount for the ACK is. The AK450 is much wider and therefore can't be mounted using Dan's very clean approach. You'll see that many AK450 users need to build a suspended structure spanning half way across the fuselage if they chose to install aft of the baggage bay. The issue is that the ELT can't be attached to skin - it MUST be attached to primary structure. The added structure adds weight, complexity and construction time. Many builders use the same span of structure to mount their strobe power supply beside the ELT.

There may be other methods (I once thought of putting it on the baggage floor but nixed that idea) but it whatever location you choose needs to be on primary structure, in the rear and accessable for battery changes or...chirp, chirp, chirp.

I think the ACK may be an easier install due to its shape.



That's where I went yesterday... to Dan's site. Great install on the ACK for sure. Of course price is very close on both units. What do you think about the voice feature? BS or what?

LifeofReiley said:

That's where I went yesterday... to Dan's site. Great install on the ACK for sure. Of course price is very close on both units. What do you think about the voice feature? BS or what?


Well, in all honesty, it didn't really enter the equation for me. The circumstances of the need of use are finite. 1. you need to survive, 2. you need to be ambulatory, 3. the unit needs to reachable, 4. well, start adding other conditions.

An arguement might be made that you would have the capability to talk if you made a controlled, forced landing but, then again, you would have your ship radios.

I guess the capability allows you to take the radio with you as you try to walk out of the wilderness. Many folks are already flying with portable coms now, so they have that covered.

I have the capability if I desire to achieve it by configuring a headset or mike or whatever is needed but, I likely won't.

This brings me to something that has been percolating recently. A number of thread talk about tools needed for flight, parts to take in your aircraft, flight bag goodies and the like. We can add so much redundency, breakdown preparedness and just-in-case stuff to our panels, baggage compartments and flight bags that our wings start to sag. I saw a line where someone was adding a used, but serviceable set of plugs to his flight kit. You can carry stuff like that and never need it, but you'll pay the gas and performance price on every flight. It's surprising how so many approach weight reduction like a science, shaving .1 ounce here and there and everywhere (50 extra hours of build time that yields 1 pound of result) and then cram 100 pounds of "just-in-case stuff into the baggage compartment.

Off the soap box now.

I have the AK installed in my plane right behind the pax seat between the seat back and flap torque tube. Fits snugly but just that's normally kind of wasted space anyway. Eithe ELT will be just fine in functionaility, but for my install I liked the flatter package of the AK. Another spot that used to be popular was up between the rudder pedals. An advantage to having it in the cockpit is ease of reach.

That being said, the "voice" feature on these things really doesn't enter into the equation to me either. From a historical stanpoind and crashes, you'll notice there are likely 2 outcomes in 99% of accidents. live through the crash and are able to move, walk, run, crawl, etc... - or 2 - you don't, in which case the voice txmt is worthless. I'm sure it's a good thing to have, but the blunt reality is that it's unlikely to save your life.

Just my 2 cents as usual!

I also put a AK450 behind the pass. seat.
I want to keep things somewhat forward because
of W&B issues, (RV-7A with fixed prop).
In my mind, the two ELTs are the same with the
exception of their form factor.
This may be a stupid question, but I've often wondered what I would say when transmitting through my ELT. I mean, in order for somebody to hear me wouldn't they need to be pretty close by and on freq. That being the case, wouldn't they already be hearing the ELT doing it's thing? I suppose I could say something like "I'm over here, by all the airplane parts and smashed trees."
The voice transmit is primarily so you can help the rescuers. Let them know how many people are there, how badly they are injured, etc.
SteinAir said:
I have the AK installed in my plane right behind the pax seat between the seat back and flap torque tube. Stein.


You da man! I put my seats in tonight and the space behind the PAX seat is PERFECT. I'm putting mine there.

Your 2 cents is worth much more to me. Thanks.


Ah... I like words of wisdom!

With Stein's expertice and the disclosure of the location for his ELT, the AK450 is now the running in first place here. And the price is right too.

Thanks Stein!
Heck....all of this just because I was too darned lazy to fabricate an actual "shelf" somewhere else in the plane! Leave it to me to find any way possible to do something with the aboslute lowest required amount of expended energy and time (oh...and don't forget money)!

I guess sometimes my laziness & cheapness pays off :)


BTW, now that I think about it...I may have just plagarized that idea from some other old gray beard if he/she comes forward I'll give credit where credit is due.
Take the bite, you will have to later?

I know it is a lot of money but it has a battery that last 5 years and if you really did crash out of sight out of mind, you have a much better chance of being found in your white plane in a snow storm, than any current 121.5/243MHZ ELT.

They cost less than $900.00 (Chief price on ME406 ) Vans has it also ( Van's ME406 price )

It does not transmit lat/long but 406mhz is way better. This model also only needs one antenna, which is nice.

The advanced units have GPS interface and dual antennas. They are double or more the money.

From Van's catalog: A 406Mhz ELT is not yet required, but the 121.5/243Mhz band will not be monitored after Feb 2009. I am guessing it will be required sooner than later?

This is the final ruling: (Final Ruling )


PS after some research I guess the FAA as of now (politics) does not have the coconuts to mandate the change over. However that does not change the "sarsat" (search and rescue satellite) will stop monitoring for 121.5/243mhz end of 2008 early 2009. NO satellite search and rescue locating.

Here is a good article:

For more info see

So if you want to go cheap, than its OK, I guess, but consider the new stuff. I have a Artex 100-4 and it is a real piece of equip. I have had ACK (yellow) and friends have had the Ameri-king (orange). They are OK but they are a bit cheap and light duty compared to the Artex.
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I'm hoping the new ELTs drop in price before 2008. Once people start buying them in quantity, they've got to get cheaper.
You big cheap skate

Davepar said:
I'm hoping the new ELTs drop in price before 2008. Once people start buying them in quantity, they've got to get cheaper.
I hear you. Unless AK or ACK starts to make them I don't think the price will go down, but I have been wrong before and hope I am wrong here. I bought an almost new (used) Artex 110-4 for a great price. Its a thing of beauty; I will also have to replace it someday (2008/2009).

As far as price the handheld PLB's with 406MHZ and GPS location are about $750. They would be a nice thing to have if you plan a flight into a real remote location, (So $900 for an aircraft unit is not really that bad. :rolleyes: )

To bad they don't have a G switch. George
Prices Will Fall

By 2008 there will be many suppliers for the new ELT's. I'm waiting for a while to drop that load of cash. :D