
Well Known Member
In the best spirit of plagarisim... I too have a question regarding what carb I need.

I've procured an O-320-E2A without a carb. It came from a PA28. I plan to rebuild it, either at 150 HP or maybe with an upgrade to 160 HP.

I haven't bought the parts manual yet, but I know that I need an MA-4SPA carb. Is that all there is, or is there a more detailed part number? I was going to scrounge around at OSH to see what was there....

Thanks for any info,


A 5009, 5217 or 5135 any will work...

Maybe all three would bolt up, but you want the richest carb you can get based on the RV induction system breathing so well as compared to production airplanes, which is what all standard carbs are designed for.

I was working on my buddies long-ez.....0-320 carbed and he was lean too.
While drilling his jet, I ran across this info in LPM. FYI

As luck would have it.
Light Plane Maintenance July issue........back end of issue in the Q&A section.
a guy was having trouble with leaning his carbed 0-320 E2D and asked for suggestions.

" Your engine is eligible for one of three different carburetors. Two of the carbs have the same discharge nozzle (or main jet)
and the third has a nozzle of slightly higher flow. We would recommend that you ask for part # 10-5135 carburetor, which contains nozzle # 47-828.
This nozzle has an orifice sized to .095-inch, which is about .006 bigger than the other approved nozzles.
It should noted that many carburetors are "field adjusted" by reaming the jet to one or two drill sizes bigger in order to enriched a lean engine.
This is NOT approved by the carb maker for the field and is a hit or miss proposition."

So I would suggest you start with 10-5135 and check from there.
I'm sure they put the last paragraph in there to cover their butt.
Drilling works on this model if done properly. I've done it!
Good Luck.