Doug Rohrer

Well Known Member
I am at the point of installing the comm radio antenna doublers in the floor. The plans say to just plug the antenna holes with rivets if you only use one radio, which is my plan. Is there any reason to mount the one comm antenna on one side or the other? Sometimes there are other items that might interfere that you don't find out about until later.
I am at the point of installing the comm radio antenna doublers in the floor. The plans say to just plug the antenna holes with rivets if you only use one radio, which is my plan. Is there any reason to mount the one comm antenna on one side or the other? Sometimes there are other items that might interfere that you don't find out about until later.

Use the one that is furtherest from any other antennas.
Why not install the 2nd F-00020 doubler and not upsize the 3 holes. Keep your options open. Also resale.
I am doing exactly what mc607 suggests. I am mounting the antenna on the left side which is farthest away from the transponder antenna. Thanks.