
So I am doing my reading tonight and getting the proper supplies out for tomorrows work on the -12 and I am a bit confused.

On Page 09-05 Step 1 it says to "Cut 5/16 Aluminum tube to make four HS-1210 Hinge Stops per dimensions in Figure 1

The only aluminum tube I have seen appears to be one that has some pre-drilled holes and has a bend in it, so If I use this which end do I start cutting from?

Or was it a smaller piece that was in with connectors etc?
You should have two shorter pieces of tubing that came with the bagged items. One piece is for making the spacers for the Pitch Servo tray and the other piece is to make the stops.:)
The only aluminum tube I have seen appears to be one that has some pre-drilled holes and has a bend in it, so If I use this which end do I start cutting from?

Don't cut that one - I think it is your trim rod from the motor assembly to the AST.

Check your inventory detail for your bags...there should be a some raw tube in one of those bags.