
Well Known Member
Which ACS brake seal ring repair kit for a -7?


The left brake pedal has become alittle "soft": the pedal must be pumped once or twice to be hard and firm.

I have the std brakes bought from Vans together With the kit, so I assume this is Cleveland Brake system?
The brake cylinders are mounted along the brakepedals per plans.

There's no visible fluid leak on the cockpit floor beneath the brakepedal, but there's alittle thick sticky stuff on the hose connections in and out from the brakepedal.
There's JUST enough to see it, and to feel it's stickyness when I move my finger over the connections.

I have tightened the connections l just alittle, but the pedal is still soft.

It was no help to bleed the brake either.

Therefore, I think there might be a leak inside the brake cylinder, so hopefully a replacement of the seals and O-rings will do the trick.

On the ACS web page there's several kits, so I'm wondering if anyone knows which kit is correct?

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