
Well Known Member
So this may turn out to be one of those embarrassing questions, however I have been unable to locate F-643 and F-644 Forward Fuselage Channels as I work my way through the edge finishing and priming of the fuselage components. I've checked the inventory list and have been unable to find it, searching manually and using the search function in the version I converted to a readable text PDF file.
These two parts are located in the Parts Index at the front of the manual, but they are listed as "manufactured" indicating that they should already be bent and shaped to a certain extent rather than being created from scratch using sheet material.
Thus, I was wondering where these components are. Any ideas?

I'm not sure what model you're building, but these parts are used on the -9A tip up that I'm building and the plan page you included looks just like mine. F-644-R/L are cut out of a single piece that is included in the fuselage kit. Look for a U shaped piece of .032 about 13" long and 2" wide. Both this piece and F-643-1 were in my tip-up unique #16 sub kit. F-643-1 is a pre-shaped tapered channel

What you won't find is F-697, which is needed to fit the F-643-1 channel (at least on my kit it is). For some reason, it doesn't ship until the finish kit. My finish kit will be here on Tuesday so I can finish up the front deck then.
Thanks Claude. I went through my sub #16 items again and there's nothing that fits that description. I also went through my finish kit again, and still nothing. I'll give vans a call tomorrow and see what I can dig up.
Cheers. Tom.
I knew this had a good chance of being one of those moments where I'd be kicking myself. Michael Brooks just rang me to let me know those parts are for the tip up only, which is specified in the lower right side of drawing 24A, and I'm building a slider. Nothing like a good public humiliation session...
We all do this at least a few times. Trust me, you're not alone. :eek:

I knew this had a good chance of being one of those moments where I'd be kicking myself. Michael Brooks just rang me to let me know those parts are for the tip up only, which is specified in the lower right side of drawing 24A, and I'm building a slider. Nothing like a good public humiliation session...
Did you do an innovatory when the kit came in? I moved all the furniture out of the living room and uncrated the fuse and finish kit from the garage to the living room and checked all items off the list, wife reluctantly read off the list as I made 3254 trips back and fourth, took hours, but it was like X- Mas! ;-)
Yes, did a full inventory. Took me more than week, but now I have every item in a 3D coordinate system in my shop. I just suspected I'd missed something, or that this was something that I was expected to fabricate, as there's a lot of sheet material that is not allocated to a specific part. Normally on the plans I have found that if a part is specific to the tipip or slider, it is called out directly beneath the part, but in this case it applied to the entire drawing, and I didn't pick it, because I'm completely focused on fabricating individual parts whilst it's still warm enough to prime here. It would be nice if those AL sheets had the part numbers that they were intended for called out in the inventory list (I guess this should also apply to the bar stock and angle), as sometimes I'm not sure exactly which one to hack into for which part. At times it is specified, but sometimes it just says use AS 0.063 without further details. Anyway, I just think a little more attention to detail when reading the plans will solve most of my problems!
When I got to the fuse kit, I could see that the hand holding was over and the build became more interesting, I would take the drawings to work and study them on my really.........on my break and look at every note, and every part on the drawings I was working on, I discovered a lot of information on those drawings that were not hinted in the planes. then made a highlighted note to each and every task completed.
One thing ... looking ahead, F-697, the hat-channel is not part of the fuse kit; I figured that I missed it somehow in the inventory, and ordered one. And, got a brand new one with the finishing kit.

The 644's are made from stock provided in the kit which was bent into an L. F-643 is a fully formed part that is cut down to size per the plan.
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The reason...

I knew this had a good chance of being one of those moments where I'd be kicking myself. Michael Brooks just rang me to let me know those parts are for the tip up only, which is specified in the lower right side of drawing 24A, and I'm building a slider. Nothing like a good public humiliation session...

It will keep you humble.
I try to make a public *** of myself frequently for the same reason.

N262DF The Dream Flyer
Dues Paid
Humble indeed...

Thanks Daddyman. To add salt to the wounds, Doug also listed this on his front page! Now everyone knows I'm incapable of reading a plan!