
Well Known Member
When I was working on my ill-fated RV-6 some 20 years ago, the RVator was a great source of information from Van's. Every issue had 2000-word and longer articles from Van and others on building, flying, what was new at the factory, and general interest in aviation and homebuilding.

The final issue of the RVator said they'd continue to communicate through Van's FaceBook page and website. I don't see much updating either place. Am I missing something, or do they just not have much to say after so many years?

Oh yes good old Days. Just last week looked back through the 24 years of RVators again. Not a fan of FaceBook..
Only yesterday I found an article from RVator by Van about the need to master slow flight. It was a good read and left me wondering how one can find old RVator articles? I am also not a FB user so hoping there are articles available somewhere else . . .
The archive of the last 3 years that were published can be located HERE

Most (it looks like 2 years are missing) of the years previous to that can be purchased inexpensively on THIS CD
For what it's worth, you don't have to be a facebook user to view Van's facebook page, so you can still check it for news and info.

Maybe I'm being too hard on them. The Facebook page does have a lot of the same stuff the RVator used to have. For instance, there's a note on the death of Alan Tolle which was not unlike old RVator articles on others who've gone before.

But I haven't seen anything in the way of plans updates and corrections.
The RVator was a goldmine of technical information, thoughtful analyses, and insights into the design and engineering process. I see very little of this on the FB page. I'm sure all those smart people at Van's have a lot of interesting perspectives on designing, building, and flying RV's, I would very much like to hear them.

Maybe I'm being too hard on them. The Facebook page does have a lot of the same stuff the RVator used to have. For instance, there's a note on the death of Alan Tolle which was not unlike old RVator articles on others who've gone before.

But I haven't seen anything in the way of plans updates and corrections.
The RVator was a goldmine of technical information, thoughtful analyses, and insights into the design and engineering process. I see very little of this on the FB page. I'm sure all those smart people at Van's have a lot of interesting perspectives on designing, building, and flying RV's, I would very much like to hear them.

The RVator was indeed a valuable resource and I enjoyed reading it.

However, it is no longer published because the info that would be in the RVator if it was still being printed, is now available online real-time and in much greater depth via Vans FaceBook page and this Forum. The archives of VAF contain thousands of pages discussing any topic that has ever been raised about building and flying an RV.

Have a question about an RV? Post it to VAF and you will have multiple answers from knowledgeable builders/pilots in a matter of hours instead of waiting for a printed monthly. And many of these replies will be "a goldmine of technical information, thoughtful analyses, and insights into the design and engineering process".

Van realized this, and that is why the RVator faded into history. Printed newsletters are obsolete and an expense that can directed toward more productive venues.

And the questions about which primer to use...or not use...and which is better, tip-up or slider, were never resolved in the RVator. :)

[ed. Many years ago Ken Scott introduced me to his wife as 'the guy who killed the RVator'. He was smiling as he said it ;^). dr]
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Have a question about an RV? Post it to VAF and you will have multiple answers from knowledgeable builders/pilots in a matter of hours instead of waiting for a printed monthly. And many of these replies will be "a goldmine of technical information, thoughtful analyses, and insights into the design and engineering process".

True, but some of the replies will be utter hogswallow and it isn't always clear which is which. It's the Internet, after all. . . .
True, but some of the replies will be utter hogswallow and it isn't always clear which is which. It's the Internet, after all. . . .

Stuart, I see you are a new member of VAF. There is the occasional hogswallow, but ruthless VAF peer review quickly puts it in its place. You will come to recognize the reliable contributors and appreciate the high quality of information available on this forum.

Best wishes for a most enjoyable project! The refinement of the new kits in comparison to our old RV-6 kits is remarkable, new builders don't even have to own a drill! (Just kidding...hogswallow humor...)
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