
Well Known Member
Here in the low elevations of the North West we have to travel some to find snow and ice. I have been enjoying all the great winter pictures from many of you. So rather than do house work I talked Katie into taking a flight. A client told us we should drive and hike Mt. Saint Helens. Well if we had the time (and no airplane) we might just do that. Here is a pic of the blown away north side of our volcano.

Clouds covered most of the crater's rim.

And some of the mud and lava run pushed timber into the lake back in 1980...

Then we hopped a tail wind to our ski mountain, Mt. Hood. Again lots of cloud cover over the hills.



It was a cool 22 degrees at 10,500-11,500. So we were glad to get back to our 60@200 back home after this 1.3 hour fun flight.

K.P.T.R. :)
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It was a cool 22 degrees at 10,500-11,500. So we were glad to get back to our 60 @ 200 at home after this 1.3 hour fun flight.

K.P.T.R. :)

That's awesome thanks for sharing Bruce. Love the mountains. I spent only .9 in bouncy air. Today I am still here :D

Thanks for the Motivation

And just yesterday Bruce helped me mate my wings to my fusealage for the first time.:D

Thanks Bruce!!!!
Usually I consider a "5 volcano day" to be about as good as it gets. Sunday coming back from Manzanita, however, we saw 7 at one time; Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Adams, Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson, Mt Bachelor, and Three Sisters. There was another one waaay off to the east, but I'm not sure what that was. In any case it was a rare, beautiful, late Feb/early March flight. No pics because my cell phone doesn't have a prayer at showing anything clearly enough.

Hi Bruce, looks like a nice trip. I'll post a couple photos I took when I finally was able to visit last fall. He lives just a few miles away for KVUO. It was a slightly hazy day, made more hazy from the smoke from forest fires. The north part of Oregon was okay, but the entire southern state of Oregon was seemingly on fire. Pretty surreal experience to be flying along and seeing spots of orange glow everywhere taller than the surrounding trees.

Also, its a strange feeling flying so close to such a huge mountain. It felt like that huge volcano mouth was going to swallow me whole. :D


Clear north.


Hazy to the south.
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Hula Girl

Bruce, Hula Girl was looking mighty fine Sunday when I parked next to her at Hillsboro - much nicer wx there than up over Mt. St. Helens, for sure! :eek:
(photo quality courtesy of iPhone.....)
Hello Jae! And John, Tim, Brenden and Vlad,
Thank you for your interest and compliments!
You're all invited to the BBQ! Vlad you bring the drinks. :)
John, I too enjoyed seeing our birds together, very nice.
Brenden, K.P.T.R.
Nice pics Jae. Next time in the NW I will be with you.
Manzanita is one of our favorite places Tim. We camped overnight already this year on President weekend.

Cheers to blue skies!
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Guess he was bored, because I certainly don't think it was much of a challenge. Perhaps the challenge was flying a good wing at Herk speeds...