
Well Known Member
I'm expecting my 8 QB in Mar/Apr. I started studing the preview plans book and noticed that there was a nice section on where to start and what to do for the wings, but no similar info on the fuse. Am I missing something or do I just start at the beginning and skip anything that has been done/built?

BTW, I have a completed tail kit, so I'll start immediately on the fuse.

I also plan on doing the fastback mod...but haven't decided between the two mod kits yet (leaning towards the Cook mod).

I think most would agree that a QB builder should start at the beginning and work through all instructions and plans, right there in front of the completed assemblies. Just check each item off as completed once you have put your eyes on it.

You just couldn't resist looking at all these RV's could you Deene :). Are you up for a TC visit (for me) in the next week or two? I think David N. is about ready too.
Where to start on a QB Fusleage


I agree with Scott. I finished my QB wings (7A) and started my fuselage in earnest this week. I have spent MANY hours prior to this going through the instructions to determine exactly what has and has not been completed. This can be a bit confusing and time consuming. Also, some options are listed such as "you may remove the highlighted area to save weight". Well, our overseas building partners didn't take the time to do the "optional" steps so you may decide to remove some parts to incorporate them yourself. Only a careful reading of the plans and manual will do. Caution! don't get global on pages that appear to be completed. You may find one step buried in a page of 50 steps that was not completed. Get a flashlight and a mirror and start inspecting and read EVERY word (plans and manual) carefully

My approach is to: 1. verify everything that was or was not done; 2. get the fuselate complete from the aft bulkhead forward to include wiring and plumbing 3. dive into the center and forward portion.

As always, " your results may vary".

deene said: I just start at the beginning and skip anything that has been done/built?

Yep, that's a good plan, but just in case, here's a start point; for me the actual fuse work started with "Installing the F-805 Floor Support" on page 8-13.

-8QB, canopy/FWF
Good input, guys, just thought maybe I didn't get all the instructions or that I missed a page. I do plan on going step-by-step...

Scott, Yes, all the visits to inspect RV's got to me...actually, I have always planned to build one, but had to wait for the ducks to line up. Give me a call and we'll setup a meeting.

Thanks, Deene.

I do the landing gear first, remove, turn fuse up right. Fit emp. remove, tap lower emp faring. do all interior/ floors/ nut plates. Paint interior as needed. Install brake lines, tank vents, prepare firewall. Do canopy, remove. Mainly,The jobs that require you to bend into the fuse.
RE Install gear, fit the wings, remove,,,,next, engine mount, re install empenage. Mount engine, cowling, baffeling and the rest of the systems... prop , test run, inspect, and test fly!
it is easy if you say it real fast.
That easy, huh?

Jaypratt said:
I do the landing gear first, remove, turn fuse up right. Fit emp. remove, tap lower emp faring. do all interior/ floors/ nut plates. Paint interior as needed. Install brake lines, tank vents, prepare firewall. Do canopy, remove. Mainly,The jobs that require you to bend into the fuse.
RE Install gear, fit the wings, remove,,,,next, engine mount, re install empenage. Mount engine, cowling, baffeling and the rest of the systems... prop , test run, inspect, and test fly!
it is easy if you say it real fast.

Just like that, huh? alrightty maybe I'll have to think a little harder about a qb :D
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