
Well Known Member
I recently purchased a flying 6A with a decent steam gauge VFR panel, including an S-TEC-50 autopilot, Apollo GX65 GPS (database hasn't been updated since 2010 and Garmin is discontinuing support in June), GTX320 Transponder, and PM 1000II intercom. I also have a Stratus 2 and Foreflight Pro Plus on mini iPad which gives me ADS-B in for now. I knew going in I'd want to be doing some upgrades, including upgrade to IFR and glass. But I'm struggling with information overload in trying to figure out where to start and how much to bite off in one chunk. Highest priority is getting ADS-B out capability. But I don't want to invest a big chunk into something that gets me ADS-B out today, but then becomes redundant with additional panel upgrades I make in a few months. Or is the best solution to just go whole hog with everything I need to do at one time? I realize that there will be a variety of opinions, but looking for some starting direction thoughts. VAF has already been a hugely valuable resource for this RV newcomer.
Tough to say ...

But in going through this excercise recently, here?s how I approached it.

1. Define the mission ? how do you intend to use your RV. This should define the functionality you ultimately require.
2. Define the budget ... how much are you willing to spend
3. Define the end state architecture .... what combinations of devices, available today, meet your budget and functional requirements. This will require substantial research. In addition to friends, VAF, and vendor websites, I suggest you speak directly with vendors of significant pieces of the various options. Since none of the vendors is really committed to open architecture, you are likely narrowing to one of a few primary display options around which to build.
4. Get smart on lifecycle costs of each option?including purchase cost, but also support, data subscriptions, service, etc
5. Consider installation ease (will vary with the specific equipment chosen)
6. Finalize the end state equipment list
7. (and last) Determine if there is a step by step way to get to your end state or if you?ll have to go with a ?Big Bang? approach. And can you stand the implied aircraft downtime?

Since I very much enjoy flying what I have, I kept trying to start with step 7, but all the options and interdependencies made it very difficult to end up somewhere I wanted (based on 1 and 2).

Good luck, there is a lot of neat equipement out there. Hope this helps.
Howdy Jim,

If you are going to do more in a few months, don't do anything about ADS-B out right now. You have until the end of the year to comply. That means you have time to decide what your panel ultimately wants to be. If you are going to go with current generation EFIS, your ADS-B out solution will be included in that. Advanced, Dynon, Garmin, GRT all have compliant out equipment; mode S transponder and TSO (or meets the requirements of the TSO for experimental) GPS source. You can get er done for from $8K to $20K and up depending on number and size of EFIS and what other equipment you want. If you need IFR WAAS approach capability, you'll have to pony up more $$ for a navigator. Take your time, decide what you want, compare that to what you need, and then get ready to write the check. If you want to lowball that, you might keep some of your steam in lieu of a second EFIS/ADAHRS.

If you decide not to spend a bunch, you can get an out solution for less than $2K and keep your panel much as it is. Your Foreflight gives you all the data you need, so you don't need to worry about the GX-65 updates. You just can't use that to fly an approach.

Ed Holyoke
There are two appropriate sayings with any kind of upgrade.
Where do you start.
Where do you stop.

It is often easier to build a new house than it is to remodel. I think the same can hold true to our panels.
There are two appropriate sayings with any kind of upgrade.
Where do you start.
Where do you stop.

It is often easier to build a new house than it is to remodel. I think the same can hold true to our panels.

I would suggest buying a new blank panel from Van?s. You can do quite a bit of work on the bench, much easier than on your back.
As to actual avionics, everyone thinks they made the best choices, and so do I!
Do your research, come to your own conclusions. But for actual IMC you?ll want redundancy and backups. These won?t be cheap.