
Well Known Member
Any good ideas on where to safety wire the tach cap to? How about drill a small hole through the end of that case stud for the aux alternator and safety wire to that?

That'll work, but why not just double nut the stud and safety wire between nuts? BTW, the cover on the tach shaft is only a dust cover. There's an oil seal inside.
What wire?

Interestingly enough, the certified, STC'd, high price cover that came with the Horizon digital tachometer for the Tiger didn't come with any safety wire holes.... :)

Scott, which supplier provided the one in the picture?

And they claim "certified" is better..... :D

gil in Tucson
az_gila said:
Interestingly enough, the certified, STC'd, high price cover that came with the Horizon digital tachometer for the Tiger didn't come with any safety wire holes.... :)

gil in Tucson

And the one that I got for the RV (I honestly don't rememebr where), has a central piece with a hole for the safety wire, and then an outer ring that actually screws on to the threads. In other words, the part that "fastens" doesn't have a saefty wire hole, and the part that doesn't...does! I didn't even bother with a safety, cause it wouldn't hold anything... :rolleyes:

I tried two caps. None fit. There wasn't enough room to even screw it on.
Then I was told it's not needed. Hasn't leaked yet.
As I said before, it's primarily a dust cover. It keeps dirt from getting into the seal.
I'll safety wire mine as soon as I find it. I lost is somewhere over the United States, so it might take a while. That was 700 hours ago.

I had to machine it on the lathe just to get it to fit, and it is only a dust cover, so I never bothered to replace it.
This is all very entertaining. I really had no idea there wasn't any oil pressure in there, but it sure makes sense. So I guess the idea is not to worry so much about really safety wiring it, but maybe at least tether it to something so it is at least there to put back on :). I appreciate the comments.
I have never seen a tach cable nut or cap safetied, on any certified aircraft I have worked on. I would not worry about safeting it.
Good Luck,
"The opinions and information provided in this and all of my posts are hopefully helpful to you. Please use the information provided responsibly and at your own risk."
Put a non-hardening thread lock compound on it if it makes you feel better (or maybe a little dab of pro-seal or some silicone RTV). I think I did mine that way, but really can't remember for sure. Pretty sure it's still in place.