
Well Known Member
Need some advice from you locals. I will be flying my newly painted RV9A from Grady's paint shop at 52F to OshKosh on Monday the 23rd. I figure one stop somewhere in the middle of the route will work out just right.

Can anyone give me a recomendation as to a good refueling stop along the way?


Duane Wilson
It's *slightly* off course, but on the way...I can offer an "Oshkosh" discount at Image Air. If you (or anyone) wants to stop here, we are 211nm almost due south of OSH. Our fuel prices fluctuate a bit, but if you call a day or two ahead to let me know you'll be here, I can get a decent discount on 100LL for Oshkosh travelers.

Make sure you come to me at Image Air, not the "other" place. If you go there (you'll see the huge blue and grey building when you taxi to the ramp), you'll get charged out the wazzu just for setting your wheels on their ramp. Bad news...

Good news...
Image Air
800.232.4360-ask for me. :) Oh, one quick thing...I'll be AT OSH the 23rd thru the 28th, so don't ask for me at that number during the week. I'll let the front desk know what's going on.
Air Nav has answers

Go to www.airnav.com and you will get some great suggestions. There are several stops that offer discounted prices for Oshkosh travelers and many offer meals as well. I have stopped several times in Clinton, IA - there is a Cessna 150 flyin there that takes up some space, but they typically have cheap fuel and then you can get into OSH with a good reserve...

Good flying to you! I won't be going this year, :( too many other commitments, but I will spend a few days off working on mine so I can be there next year. :D

Take adequate time to verify ALL essential connections. Do not assume that they are all put together properly. No slight meant for your paint shop but....it is your life.
dwilson said:
Need some advice from you locals. I will be flying my newly painted RV9A from Grady's paint shop at 52F to OshKosh on Monday the 23rd. I figure one stop somewhere in the middle of the route will work out just right.

Can anyone give me a recomendation as to a good refueling stop along the way?


Duane Wilson

Depending on your route, KTKX (Kennett, MO) is a good stop. Huge runway surrounded by bean fields, negligible traffic, cheap (self-serve) fuel and easily within RV range from either Dallas or Oshkosh. It's an easy quick turn, and they usually have the cheapest fuel in the area.

Here is a picture of me and Jerry Carter on the way to OSH last year: it gives you an idea of the congestion ;-)
Plan your fuel stops to give you adequate reserves in case you are put in a holding pattern on your approach to Osh. One halfway stop sounds like you may be stretching your final leg if you are delayed in the air for any length of time. Something to consider.
We stopped at Harlen, IA on the way back from Colorado to Wisconsin. Gas was really cheap there, like $3.50 a gallon for 100LL. Nice guy building a 7 there. It's SE of Omaha.

Another idea

Consider two stops. Makes certain that you have beaucoup gas at all times and are more refreshed whern you get to Oshkosh. Red Oak Iowa (RDK?) is a nice place.
I'll second KTKX (Kennet, MO)!

flyeyes said:
Depending on your route, KTKX (Kennett, MO) is a good stop. Huge runway surrounded by bean fields, negligible traffic, cheap (self-serve) fuel and easily within RV range from either Dallas or Oshkosh. It's an easy quick turn, and they usually have the cheapest fuel in the area.

They have a brand new terminal building with nice facilities.
Also there is a McDonalds just outside the north end of the field. There is parking down by it and a gate! Or it's just a nice walk from the terminal building.

Here's how it will look coming in from the south. The airport is right behind the Decathlons horizontal stabilizer ;)


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Thanks for all the great advice

I will be sure to check out all the linkages before I fly my newly painted bird!

I will not be going into OSH. I plan to land at Waukesha. A friend has offered to let me put my plane in his hanger. I will then drive up to OSH.

Really looking forward to the trip.

Thanks again for all the info/advice. I really appreciate it.

K81 - Paola, KS (South of Kansas City)

If anyone is passing near Kansas City while on their way to Oshkosh, Miami County (K81) has the lowest prices around and also has a BBQ restaurant on the field.

(If you happen to be passing through on Friday night/Saturday morning.. let me know. )
DAL-OSH fuel stop

dwilson said:
Can anyone give me a recomendation as to a good refueling stop along the way?


Duane Wilson


K52 -- Monroe City, MO is about 1.5 hrs out from OSH and about 3.5 hrs from 52F. They usually have an OSH special, are uncontrolled field, easy in and out. Self serve. I'm headed up on Saturday the 21st.

Miami County KS - K81

I stopped there on my way to MVN. Only one problem. I ordered a side of fries and it was way too large for one person. Other than that, I am looking forward to stopping there again.
Waukesha is a nice airport. I learned to fly there. Should be a piece of cake landing there. It is fun flying into Oshkosh, though. Best if you have someone to be lookout for dummies.
