Just finishing up my Rv-9 and started installing Van's ACK ELT in the baggage compartment.

Question: Where's a good spot to put the remote switch other than the front panel?

My cabin is almost finished and I don't think I can get it all the way up to the front panel at this point. Any ideas, anyone. A photo would be nice. :(
Check the IM...

Fallalloveryou (huh?),

The ELT is one of the few items on our experimentals that must meet the TSO requirements (TSO c91a in this case).

You need to ensure that the mounting requirements in your ELT Installation Manual are met.

As an example, the ACK manual is here...


It says...
"...it can be seen by the pilot of the aircraft from a normal operating position... strongly recommend part of the pilots normal instrument scan..."

Check the specific requirements for your actual unit...

gil in Tucson
Top & Front

I put mine top, front, center so the passenger can reach it. I saw this as important. This also puts the little red light where I can see it. Just a thought.

I am not sure if mine is the same, but it uses regular telephone cord and RJ-11 connectors. However, the connectors are aligned with the wire differently than with a telephone. Radio Shack, etc. can supply these materials easily. Just copy the alignment you see and it will work.
I'm thinking just above the mag switch, with a flip-guard. On emergency, the mags are the first thing you check. If you get to the end of your "Oh ****" mental checklist and don't fix the problem, that's the next item. If I'm landing off-field ANYwhere, I want the ELT talking, preferably on the way down where there's a better chance of someone picking it up. If all is well on landing, it's easy enough to turn it off and call FSS with all-clear. I'd rather have it activated early (and positively) than take a chance on the G-switch activating it while I'm too busy trying to tuck my head between my legs.