
Well Known Member
I'm almost done with the IFR conversion on my RV-4 and hoping someone can recommend an affordable place to get the pitot/static and TXPR check done somewhere in the Carolinas, Georgia, or east Tennessee. Definitely prefer someone familiar with homebuilts.

The last one I had done a year and a half ago on my Cessna was $450, which I thought was pretty steep. No problems were found and it only took 2.5 hours.

I'd be interested in hearing what others have been paying.


- Brett

Check out Georgia Avionics, Winder, GA. (KWDR). The owner is familiar with RV's. Even has a Dynon D-10A in his Piper Commanche.

I think he is fairly reasonable on his pricing. I'm not affiliated in any way with them.
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In SC ...

Try Aircraft Maintenance Services in Camden (KCDN). Ask for Frank (the owner).

Try Eagle Aviation in Columbia (either KCAE or KCUB). A bit more expensive but an extensive effort.

I have worked with both and am happy even though there **IS** a price differential.
