
Well Known Member
I have an API tailwheel and in need of a new steering arm. Mine is double sided. I believe the shaft is 3/4", and I see flyboys has a single sided one. I've ordered from API but haven't been successful. I have flipped the control arm, but it is getting bad and not staying locked. Suggestions?
You can put a drop of welding on the worn part of the arm and the file it to shape. A chainsaw file works well. The key is maintaining the tail wheel, cleaning and lubricating at least twice a year or every 25 hours.
Is this what you need?

Just happen to have these lying around the hangar. They are lightly used.

Steering arm - $15 + shipping
Taiwheel fork - $90 + shipping

Sold together - $100 + shipping

(Mark Andrew Tacquard gets first dibs!)

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You can put a drop of welding on the worn part of the arm and the file it to shape. A chainsaw file works well. The key is maintaining the tail wheel, cleaning and lubricating at least twice a year or every 25 hours.

I thought about doing that but wasn't sure. I'll try API again tomorrow. If no joy, I'll fire up the welder.
following up, got two yesterday in the mail from API. I had also welded mine up and made a new grove. My only concern was the weld was softer than the plate, so I figured it would wear quicker than normal. However, I didn't fly that way with it as I got new parts, but was able to go full throw both directions and it would not unlock with the welded and recut grove.

However, when I got the new parts they were noticeably thicker than the arm on my plane. I was having issues with it a few months back (replied on one of the tailwheel maintenance posts) where the nut on top was bottoming out on the control arm rather than the shaft and would loosing up. Made for a very unpredictable tailwheel as it would loosen up and unlock. I made a shim to get the clearances correct, made ground handling much better. This control arm was thicker by about the same thickness as the shim I had made. I was able to remove the shim, all works as designed. The grove is very defined and the pin positively locks in place now. I did numerous landings, much better again on the ground. Nice to have the proper parts.