
Well Known Member
I?m searching for some spring loaded covers that will allow me to access the tire valves for inflation. I?ve seen pics on other builder sites that look a lot like Camloc push button return style covers. They look to be about 1?. Has anyone else seen these or know where to find them. I?m about to install the wheel pants and it looks like a great idea. Thx
Wheel stem axces

Acs has them. There called camlock acses wheel door. Hope this helps.
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I used them. Pricey and cool but a pita to get the doors to line up in the hole perfectly. Used a button plug in the nose wheel. Not nearly as cool but took about a minute to drill and install, and about a dollar. Would probably go that route for all three on the next project.
I put in the camlock doors but don?t use them anymore. Even with the tire marked their kind of a pita to line up the stems and get the valve caps off. It is fast and easy enough to remove the front half of the wheel pants and I always check brake pad wear at the same time.
I put them in on my RV-10 and like mentioned, a PITA to get the valve stem lined up and you will need a special long and straight narrow inflate nozzle with gauge to fit the hole. On the RV-9A, I plan on putting in a small 2" X 2" door on each wheel spat using a hidden hinge and 1/4 turn camlock.
Looks like I will again be the contrarian and say they were not hard to install in the right place, I still use them and have no intention to stop. You do need the truckers valve extension when filling the tires as was said above. In 800 hrs, on one occation i had all three doors line up at the same time. I bought a lottery ticket later that day.

The doors were surprisingly pricey. Kinda like the ignition wire grommets.
The CamLoc doors are very pricy. Like others I just drilled a hole and put the snap-in cover in place. I painted a line on the tire to mark when they are in the right position. It works well for me.
Thanks for the replies. I have heard it takes about as much time to get the front half of the wheel paint off. I?ll have to consider it a little more