
Well Known Member
I hope this is the appropriate section to post this. I know this is more a question for the EAA but I've tried navigating and searching their website with no luck. The person that might be able to answer my question is out today. So, I know I'll get answers rather quickly on this forum.

Is there a way to look up and print out a list of tech counselor visits that has occured on my project? I would think there should be but I can't find mention of it at all on the EAA site. If my tech counselor fails to print out the on line form before he hits "submit" does it disappear into a black hole?
Tech counselor reports are kept confidential, so I doubt you will find them on line. The TC should give you a copy, he keeps a copy, and one copy goes to EAA national where it is filed. The contents of the report is given to no one else.