
Well Known Member
Other than Avery, does anyone know of a place in Dallas where I can buy an adjustable set holder and a longeron yoke for my CP-214?

I just found out (after a couple unanswered emails and a telephone call) that Brown never shipped the order I placed on Monday. This is beyond irritating. They never bothered to tell me my stuff wasn't coming.

So my CP-214 is useless until I get that set holder (the existing set holder is 1/4" too short for the 1-1/4" base yoke that's on there) and yoke, but I don't have time to drive over to Avery. I sure wish they were open on Saturdays...
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give avery a try.

This is why you should buy from Avery... especially if you're in the DFW area.

Give them a call.. they're often there on Saturdays or will meet you to pick something up.

Or, just wait. There will be dozens and dozens more times where this will happen and you just have to keep working on what you can with what you've got.
Oh, nothing against Avery, it's just that I don't want them to meet me out there for something so small.

But I can't really wait. The CP-214 is the only dimpling tool I have and I'm trying to get the stupid practice project done. Waiting means doing absolutely nothing - there is nothing to do until I get the dimples done.

Thanks again for the ride :)
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Think outside the box

I have no earthly idea what tools you have, but others in a similar predicament may find this useful.

Do you have a C-Frame dimpler? If you don't yet, you will absolutely need this useful tool, or something like it.

Drill a hole in an unpolished part of one of your bucking bars. Place one die in it. The bar in your C-frame can be removed (If the part does not fit in the C-frame dimpler) and held with your hand, then hit with a mallet. Or, you could drill that hole in almost any piece of steel that can be hit with a mallet. Two pieces of steel with dimple dies installed plus a mallet equals a dimpler.

If you don't already have it, get a vice-grip dimpler. Avery sells one in their kit. Very handy for tight spaces.

Get a drilled set of dimple dies for hard to reach spots. You use this with a pop-riveter and nails.

Like I said, depending on your tool inventory, this may not be helpful. In building this project, there will be lots of times when things don't work or aren't there. It's a good practice to think outside the box. If the preferred tool doesn't work, what are your other options?

Also, try calling Avery and see if they can place the parts in the mail today. Anything but UPS should be able to get it to you tomorrow at home.

I've had nothing but good experiences working with Avery.

Hope this helps,
Thanks for the reply.

Yup, I worked it out with Avery - I'll have the stuff tomorrow.

I forgot that I do have pop-rivet dimple dies. I don't have a c-frame because I'm buying the DRDT-2.

Several times I had them (Avery) drop something I needed off at Jay Pratt's hangar (same airport) so I could pick it up on a Sunday. It was always a good excuse to fly over and see Jay or eat at Hicks.


Thanks, that's good to know. Is Jay usually around on Saturdays too? Just wondering in case I need to do this in the future...

