
Well Known Member
Hi All, I'm about to place my order for an IO-390 Airflow Performance/E-mag engine, but before I do, I have a question. I originally thought the purchase was going to be from Barret Precision Engines because so many here talk very Highly of them but I am now leaning toward Lycoming Thunderbolt. What if any are the up/down side to either? The one interesting thing Lycoming said was that if I order my engine now I would get it around October cuz there selling so many. The wait kinda blows but the economy sure must be well! Any advice, thoughts would be very much appreciated!


Well, I don?t remember what price Allan Barret quoted me but it was way higher than a T-bolt via Vans.
Each Vans kit is eligible to purchase one Lycoming engine through Vans with a substantial discount. Vans recently added Thunderbolt engines to their program. I don't believe any Lycoming seller (e.g. Barrett) can compete price wise.
Well, I don?t remember what price Allan Barret quoted me but it was way higher than a T-bolt via Vans.

Blame Lycoming.

After developing the concept using machined 360 cases, Barrett initially held a contractual exclusive on Lycoming IO-390 engine kits. Then there was a period with kits available to other selected engine shops. Then Lycoming cranked up the Thunderbolt franchise, and stopped selling kits to anyone.

Today the only remaining choice is to rework a new stock 390, which makes it difficult to be competitive on price alone.
Well that makes this an easy decision, Lycoming Thunderbolt IO-390 here I come! Dan H thanks for the info and Keith B I'm putting this on my RV 8 and Vans will only sell a IO-390 to RV 14 kit holders.


Even for my IO-360, some 10 or more years ago, they could not come even close to the price that was offered thru VANs for a new Lycoming engine. This of course was again the case for my IO-390 T-blot.
If you can wait till April, Van's runs Sun n Fun specials, usually around a $1000 discount, and another $1000 If you buy an engine prop combination together. These deals have been good for the month of April, and you do not need to be at the show to place your order. They usually also throw in free shipping.
Hi All, I'm about to place my order for an IO-390 Airflow Performance/E-mag engine SNIP....


I note you are building an RV-8. If you plan on using the stock cowl and snorkel, the Airflow Performance throttle body will not fit (it hits the bottom of the cowl).

I ordered my 180hp IO-360 from Thunderbolt with the AirFlow Performance system as I have flown with it and like it and found this out the hard way. Thunderbolt was kind enough to take the AFP system back and send me the stock Precision system.

If you plan on modifying the stock cowl or use a James cowl to incorporate a separate engine air intake you should be able to use the AFP system.

I don't know what the price delta is, but I will say this: BPE's product support has been phenomenal. Allan Barrett (a great guy) and now his brother Monty (Jr.) always answer my questions quickly, and more importantly, thoroughly. I don't just get a quick reference or vague instruction, but a well thought out response that helps me understand the issue. And their solutions aren't just to get out the old parts cannon and start shooting new expensive stuff at it. They help me troubleshoot the real issue and repair instead of replace. In short, these guys understand that I'm a homebuilder operating on a budget.

I have no clue what my Dad paid for this engine, but I'm pretty sure he got his money's worth.

I would love to buy the engine prop combo from Vans Aircraft but their website says they will ONLY sell a IO-390 to RV-14 customers, also my 8 has the Showplanes Canopy and Cowl so I think there is a bit of extra room in there. If anyone with a Showplanes cowl like Dan H or others would like comment about the extra room would be Great! My canopy is done but obviously not the cowl. Also I appreciate all the reply's.

RidiculousM;1401521/ said:
.......also my 8 has the Showplanes Canopy and Cowl so I think there is a bit of extra room in there. If anyone with a Showplanes cowl like Dan H or others would like comment about the extra room would be Great!

Mike, I don't have a Showplanes cowl. Mine is a modified Vans cowl. Any angle valve in a stock RV-8 cowl is tight along the left side, and over the front corners.
Case Maching?

Blame Lycoming.

After developing the concept using machined 360 cases, Barrett initially held a contractual exclusive on Lycoming IO-390 engine kits. Then there was a period with kits available to other selected engine shops. Then Lycoming cranked up the Thunderbolt franchise, and stopped selling kits to anyone.

Today the only remaining choice is to rework a new stock 390, which makes it difficult to be competitive on price alone.

What case machining is required to convert a -360 to a -390?



I note you are building an RV-8. If you plan on using the stock cowl and snorkel, the Airflow Performance throttle body will not fit (it hits the bottom of the cowl).

I ordered my 180hp IO-360 from Thunderbolt with the AirFlow Performance system as I have flown with it and like it and found this out the hard way. Thunderbolt was kind enough to take the AFP system back and send me the stock Precision system.

If you plan on modifying the stock cowl or use a James cowl to incorporate a separate engine air intake you should be able to use the AFP system.


Carl, Off topic some, but I'm in the process of having an injected engine IO-360 vertical intake built to replace an O-360 carb engine. I have the stock vans cowl. The new engine is a Superior IO-360-B1AC2 with a Precision Airmotive Silver Hawk fuel injection. Are you aware of any cowl surprises I might run into?

Carl, Off topic some, but I'm in the process of having an injected engine IO-360 vertical intake built to replace an O-360 carb engine. I have the stock vans cowl. The new engine is a Superior IO-360-B1AC2 with a Precision Airmotive Silver Hawk fuel injection. Are you aware of any cowl surprises I might run into?

My first RV-8A started life with a stock Van?s O-363-A1A. I sold the carb without ever taking it out of the box and installed the vertical Airflow Performance injection system (and changed the mechanical fuel pump to the high pressure version). The stock cowl and air filter box fit fine.

If your filter box fits the cowl as is then I guess you will need to not do much other than remove the carb heat stuff and replace with the alternate air gate valve on the bottom. I guess you can just use the existing carb heat for alternate air but I?m not familiar with the set up.

I cannot comment on if your existing throttle and mixture cables and brackets will work - but again I would guess they will.


If you can wait till April, Van's runs Sun n Fun specials, usually around a $1000 discount, and another $1000 If you buy an engine prop combination together. These deals have been good for the month of April, and you do not need to be at the show to place your order. They usually also throw in free shipping.

FYI, for the past couple of years the show special was free engine shipping (typically valued at a few hundred dollars) in addition to the standard $1000 off the engine, if a propeller is ordered From Van's at the same time. There have not been any additional discounts.

Unknown as of yet what any specials will be this year, of course. They're announced around show time.
Engine Order Discount

Hi Greg - w Oshkosh cancelled any word on if there will be any additional discount on Lycoming + Prop purchase this year beyond the $1,000 combo price.

Hi Greg - w Oshkosh cancelled any word on if there will be any additional discount on Lycoming + Prop purchase this year beyond the $1,000 combo price.


No word at this point. We will as always announce any available specials on our web site, here on VAF of course, on our Facebook page etc. when they come up.