
Well Known Member
To illuminate the runway when on the approach or in the flare? or one each?Two very different angles for focused beams.

My opinion:
In my -10 I set both lights to optimize lighting when taxiing. I have been to enough airports with unlit taxiways - and the stock lighting is so marginal - that I need lights to avoid running off the taxiiway, or into parked cars or even airplanes. OTOH I do not fly into unlit runways at night, in which case lights are not needed and, due to their limited range, sometimes make for poor landings.
ON my 6A, I had one pointed slightly low for taxiing and the other to illuminate the runway enough to be comfortable just before the flare. I wanted to make sure there was not a deer etc within the next 75 Yds or so.
Auto headlights on my -6A

"Bob Olds" style auto headlights ---- high and low beam ---- very handy! Switch "up" for high beam, switch "down" for low beam, and center "off".
