
Well Known Member
The 4,948' x 100' private runway (official length, might have been extended) is in the middle of farm fields. Country road perpendicular to the runway got cut due to runway extension. There is a road along one side (west) of the runway (18 and 36). There are short fences around the runway. At 18 are hangars for several jets. Photo taken on July 4th from 3,000'.


I landed at I34 (see a thread on safety) on Tuesday to visit a friend. He wanted to show me this airport and the surrounding area. Another hint, this private airport is owned by a company that makes two important products that we prefer not to use soon.
Hillenbrand Industries. They make caskets.
Between Cinci & Indianapolis.
At one point they produced 90% of all the hospital beds and caskets. The little town is Batsville. Although eventual we all need them I prefer not to use either soon.

The airport is in the middle of no where. It has a long runway with very little space on either side. I have necer seen something like this before. They fly jets around the country and world to pick up customers (hospital execs and not dead men) and their truck drivers (home for Christmas).

Vlad, wedding is on Saturday evening. We are in Indy now. You will get your free BFR.
Be Careful..

My "little" brother the Indiana State Trooper lives in Greensburg..... I used to beat up on him when we were younger - he might come looking for RV drivers!!

Welcome to southern Indiana Ted! They are a friendly sort. Be sure to check out the Tower Tree in the town square!!
So, Vlad wins the free BFR. That's no too surprising. Free Bed. I get that. Free Food. I get that too. But what's the free "R" ?
Welcome to southern Indiana Ted! They are a friendly sort. Be sure to check out the Tower Tree in the town square!!

Pete, I lived in Indiana for 24 years. My two boys and daughter-in-law (by tomorrow) are hoosiers and live in Indianapolis. In my family we have a combined two Purdue and four IU degrees. I am the only one without an Indiana education. So, Indiana is always home to us. Here is the above referenced Tower Tree.

humptybump said:
Free Bed. I get that. Free Food. I get that too. But what's the free "R"

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Ted, great puzzler and Indiana looks like another great RV destination. Thanks for sharing !

Vlad - can you start a "trip planning for Noobs"? I'll be the first student !