
Well Known Member
On a short X-Country trip yesterday, I noticed that my SV-ADSB-470 receiver was no longer receiving traffic data. Skyview reverted to TIS info only sourced from the transponder. I suspect that the FAA (at least in the Los Angeles/Riverside/San Diego area) has made its promised changes to ignore the 'non compliant' mode S transponders.

What is the current status of the free Dynon software upgrade to enable SIL and SDA 1 reporting from the SV-XPNDR-261? Per Dynon, it was supposed to be released prior to the end of 2015. It looks like we need it now!

You are probably right Jerry, but they monitor this forum as well. Also, I think the answer will be of interest to others in this forum that have the ADS-B hardware option.
The FAA told us the update was delayed until February, so we haven't released the update yet because we were planning on it along with a bunch of other things in about a week.

Last week we got a reports in the SFO area that TIS-B has gone offline, and then two today in SoCal. So either they implemented it early in that area or there is another issue. We contacted the FAA last week and will hopefully know every soon what is up.

-Ian @ Dynon
You're just making them work harder, Alex - and on a Sunday...! ;)

More things to play with coming soon for SkyView then. :)
Thanks for the quick reply Ian. Based on what I see, I'm pretty sure its not my ADS-B receiver acting up. Something has changed at the other end. Having only TIS is a real pain because all of its inherent problems. It's amazing how fast we get spoiled with resources like ADS-B :) Please keep us posted on what the FAA comes back with and the progress of your software release.
Thanks again,
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When is Dynon going to provide an update on the new ADS-B out GPS-2020?

It was originally scheduled for 4th Q 2015 and we haven't heard anything. I did write to Dynon direct and they could not provide any new info.
Getting the same problem in the Sacramento and foothill area. Skyview shows only TIS traffic and ghosting of my own aircraft. System showed perfect ADS-B until 2-3 weeks ago, now only TIS.

Not trying to hijack but were is the puck for those of us without a WAAS GPS? I have not been able to get an updated release date for that solution as well.
I'm not flying yet....but am very near the big event. My question is....are thoughts with Garmin g3x systems having the same issues?
Just another data point for the SoCal area. My most recent flights (end of December 2015) I noticed that the Skyview was only reporting TIS traffic, and I kept getting "Traffic" warnings whenever I changed speed/course (which of course was only me nearby).
When is Dynon going to provide an update on the new ADS-B out GPS-2020?

It was originally scheduled for 4th Q 2015 and we haven't heard anything. I did write to Dynon direct and they could not provide any new info.

We didn't quite make our "Fall 2015" shipping estimate, but we're converging and should be shipping shortly. Now what does "shortly" mean? We don't give exact date guidance until release is imminent because sometimes we're wrong, even when we think we're days away. Thanks for your patience!
Remember Hofstadter's Law

We didn't quite make our "Fall 2015" shipping estimate, but we're converging and should be shipping shortly. Now what does "shortly" mean? We don't give exact date guidance until release is imminent because sometimes we're wrong, even when we think we're days away. Thanks for your patience!

Hofstadter's Law:

It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
? Douglas Hofstadter, G?del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid [
GPS-2020 Shipped!

Spruce shipped my Skyview GPS-2020 yesterday from their west coast warehouse. It should arrive on Friday. I placed the order on September 24th.

Also, I updated my system software to version 14 a couple of days ago. The update went off without a hitch and there are some very nice features in the new software. I especially like the glide ring and the checklists. The improved ADSB settings are easy to access and seem to work well.

Thanks Dynon!
Learn something every day...

I had updated to Skyview ver 14 a few weeks back and while I heard there were some glitches that Dynon was working on, didn't take them seriously enough. First mistake.

Was flying yesterday well above my home airport practicing the Expert autopilot mode (in anticipation of adding the knobs ...panels) when my Skyview screen froze. No flight instruments, engine indicators.... Cycling the master or pulling the fuse doesn't reboot the screen as the backup battery automatically kicks in when in flight. Evidently, simultaneously pressing buttons 1,2, 5 would have done it but I didn't remember that (second mistake) and while I had the Dynon manual in my iPad, searching through it at that point with my head down didn't seem like a good idea. Fortunately I was easily able to spiral down and land without incident using the iPad as a crude altitude airspeed guide.

Interesting observation however, the $10 AOA mod was fully functional even with a frozen screen, so I had the airspeed beeping away on final which allowed me to land at my normal airspeed without overcompensating and probably floating down the runway. The Skyview system was therefore still operating behind the scenes, just not updating the display.

Apparently I have one of the older Skyview screens and ver. 14 seems to be freezing up the screen at times. Dynon has a beta version to try out and I'll be doing that this week. (and will put a note on my emergency checklist about how to reboot Skyview if necessary) BTW, while the new checklist feature in ver 14 is slick, it doesn't work when your screen is frozen! (another reason to keep my hardcopy on board) In the end, it was fortunately good learning day and nothing more than that.
I put p-touch labels on my Skyview for re-boot, and emergency transponder codes. They're right there if I ever need em...