A year ago last month I contacted Van's with some questions on the RV 12 build and in the conversation asked about Skyview availability. I was told they could not give out any information now but wait til Oshkosh. I think its time Van's comes clean with his RV 12 customers and give some hard dates. Either Van's is very short on their ability to integrate the Skyview or they have inventory the must first clear. Other manufactures have no problem putting Skyview in their planes and builders do it all the time. If they don't hurry the Skyview II will be out and we will all be waiting. It can't take over a year to figure everything out. The Postoffice can do better than that.
A year ago last month I contacted Van's with some questions on the RV 12 build and in the conversation asked about Skyview availability. I was told they could not give out any information now but wait til Oshkosh. I think its time Van's comes clean with his RV 12 customers and give some hard dates. Either Van's is very short on their ability to integrate the Skyview or they have inventory the must first clear. Other manufactures have no problem putting Skyview in their planes and builders do it all the time. If they don't hurry the Skyview II will be out and we will all be waiting. It can't take over a year to figure everything out. The Postoffice can do better than that.

"if it fits, it ships!" - gotta give em credit for that one! Van's does have a retrofit put together and Mitch is going to install his. I think its important to remember that Skyview uses more power (twice that of a 180) and we do not have alternators (or generators) capable of pushing out a whole lot. Without the external alternators, the task must be a tricky one. Van's has never been one to say "we're working on it"...they just tell you when its done. And by done, that usually means tested. Now why you want a Skyview on a 12 is another argument but I think thats where things stand now.
Now why you want a Skyview on a 12 is another argument but I think thats where things stand now.

I can only speak for myself, I do not want Skyview, but I do not want to have to pay full retail for both the Dynon 180 which is about finished as a product and the Garmin 496 which is out of production and in several years will not be supported by Garmin. I hope my RV-12 will last more than 20 years and we are having to pay top dollar for yesterday's news that may have to be replaced in five years with little or no support from Van's as they will not even give us the wiring diagrams or load analysis for what they are selling us.

At least Skyview is newer and will be around longer so we may get more value for money.

Best regards,
I think you're right about the end of our Avionics products but I'm not sure they won't at least receive data support for some time. "Fix me" support I'm sure will go away soon. We can alway hope they don't break!
