
Well Known Member
Please share what surface you landed on. RV or not. On airport or off.
I am flying my RV9A for two years and she touched some interesting surfaces.

Good concrete.

Slushy ice.

Bad asphalt.

Turf/grass. What's the difference btw?

Gravel the prop danger :)

Vlad, you forgot the landing at Buchan field South of Venice. That had to be the roughest, sandiest surface you have hit in a long time. :D:D:D


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Oh, I don't know. Looks like you could walk away!

Remember, a good landing is one you can walk away from.

A great landing is one where you can re-use the airplane.
Rosamond Dry Lake, with an invitation from Edwards AFB -


I was one of the last to leave before the bad weather rolled in...

I won't count dry lakes in my sailplane...:)
I've landed on good concrete, of course, and good asphalt. I've also landed on crappy concrete - well, good but with big joints/tar strips that will about shake your teeth out (SCB), some fairly long grass/weeds (K01), and nice short turf (3M0). I've also landed on wet concrete in the rain.

Not so many exotic locations for me. I feel like a newbie. Oh, wait... I am. I haven't broken the 100 hour mark yet. That's my excuse!

I've frequently landing in the grass alongside paved runways. One of these, as I was rolling out, I saw surveyor's flags flicking past on both sides. When I got to the fuel pump, I told the airport manager of this small rural field, "Nice grass runway."

He said, "Thanks - I just put it in today. I'll be closing the pavement tomorrow with a Notam for repaving."

The flags were totally invisible until I was on the ground. Good thing I didn't run them down, just pure luck.

At another field, there was a bunch of junk on the side I preferred, so I landed on the rougher and shorter side. After refueling I strolled out to see what the junk was. Turns out it was runway markers, homemade ones that sure weren't recognizable from the air.

Dry Lake Bed

El Mirage Dry Lake Bed in Southern California. The landing surface was very good; as good as an asphalt runway.


No photos handy, but I did all the paperwork and fllew in to KEDW for 50th anniversary of the USAF in 1997. I was asked to use the last 2000 feet of the runway. First and only time I landed with 13000 feet of runway BEHIND me! '98C spent 2 nights in Hangar 1600 with 80 GA airplanes... and a B2.
El Mirage Dry Lake Bed in Southern California. The landing surface was very good; as good as an asphalt runway.

And if you land a sailplane on El Mirage Dry Lake it almost guaranteed that a dirt biker will turn up in a few minutes with a cold beer... nice...
Sand & gravel bars, beaches, lakes & rivers frozen and not, roads and glaciers. The latter was when I was flying Hueys for my uncle.

But, anymore it's usually just plain old pavement.
Just neat!

Thanks to all for the pictures, wouldn't it be great to have them from every corner of the world that an RV has landed at? Hope this thread continues. Wouldn't it be easy to land on a carrier? With an RV?
a gravel bar on a island seemed like a safe place to relieve our bladders( the guys). nothing special for the rv, just a lot of grass and hard surfaces. ;)


ct river party.

i have much more but i am sure this is enough heli stuff.

Copalis, Washington

Aussie and I landing on the beach at Copalis, Washington (S16).


On final