It should be illegal.... have so much fun! Love the videos, keep 'em coming.
Can't wait to have that much fun!
Beautiful Video

Wow...absolutely beautiful! Thanks for making and sharing this video. It's kind of timely as it shows both central Idaho and the Monument Valley area of Utah and some of our friends from Alabama are flying through Monument Valley today! Plus, I believe they are planning on flying through Central Idaho next week.
Where Eagles Fly

A group called the Lee Maddison Band from an album call A Week in May...I got it surfing on I-tunes....But it is cool music... Pat
Ha! I was expecting Sammy Hagar! Still a very nice song, though.

Oh, and the video was great, too! :D
WOW great video Pat!!!! beautiful scenery and plane!! another awesome video of the Liberty Ship and playmate!!
Where to find

Hi Pat,

Great video and music as usual. Flew down to RID last week while on vacation and visited with Paul Soper. He is working on a huge "this old house" project. Anyway, can you tell me how to find the video you shot with your Dad and narrated about all the old aviators? I want to show it to my Dad but it dropped off the radar. Thanks!

Terry Lutz

Terry, Go to YouTube and search Rkt14...(Rocket 14) Also look at Pennyskin. Dave Dollarhide (Rocket 13) is a fellow Dreamland Sdn mate and movie maker. Pat