
Well Known Member
Where do you read VansAirForce.net ?

We've been having a BUNCH of rain lately and I've been spending a lot of time on the computer perusing Vansairforce.net.

I walked back in a while ago and saw that I was pretty much submersed in RV stuff and was wondering if I'm the only one that live's and breath's this stuff.

Show us a picture of your "cave" and where you spend a lot of time dreaming of pretty weather and flying your RV.

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I have a portable PC with a wireless network card that I drag down into the cave during the day.


I'm just finishing up my winter to-do list on the Cobra before the RV-12 kit arrives in a couple of weeks.
I bet you can run a great flight simulator on that!

Yes, that was the idea. The little black thing sticking up from the center monitor is a camera that tracks head movement and is coupled into the flight sim. To be able to turn your head and see out the side window is just plain cool. It makes a big difference in the "reality" of the sim. Although, I don't have much time for simulation these days as I am trying to spend my free time on building the real thing :)
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I'm a little embarassed to post this image, but somebody needs to bring the average down :cool:.

Jerry, Randy, Joe, you've certainly got me beat! My 'office desk' is the two person kitchen table that my wife and I bought at Target 22 years ago. And believe it or not, this is a post-cleaning picture....it's actually much more messy as I'm typing this.

Yes, the walls are purple (kid's room for the family that lived in the house before us). Drapes held back with a piece of wire.

You guys have set the bar higher than I can jump ;^).

The money saved on overhead is put back into the product (VAF) :D

My setup (he types sheepishly):
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Nothing special - multiple computers to handle multi-tasking, including a new-fangled iPad to really confuse me. Flying souvenirs from airplanes to space ships. A few things from around the world. No good runway views - we intend to fix that with our next place!


During coffee first thing in the morning. Over looking the hanger from the mezzinene. Old metal desk nothing special. I am wayyy under Doug.
Sat in Goa, India..........

It's warm, the beer gives you a headache, but the curries are fantastic.....

Oh, the website's not bad :D
2016 ?Where I Read VAF? Office Update:


Items of note since the last update three years ago (post #6 earlier in this thread):
1) 1980 Pioneer Stereo (my late parent’s). Maybe worth $200 now, but more to me.
- TX-610 tuner - SA-610 amp - CT-F615 cassette (ordered replacement belt kit off http://www.wjoe.com/vintageandantiques.htm)
- PL-260 turntable - SX-680 receiver (my 1979 Christmas present)
- *Still looking for a used RT-909 or RT-707 reel to reel to complete the set. One of these days...

2) Prototype VansAirForce.net baseball cap (torn and faded) next to model of our RV-6.

3) I painted the walls (no longer purple - previous owners)

4) The hermit crab passed on. R.I.P. Crabby.

5) Two $10 folding tables from Walmart

6) iPhone panorama feature makes the room look about three times bigger than it is. ;^)

My 'desk' is the first table Susie and I bought for our first apartment...a quarter century ago. As you can suspect, I spend a lot of time here. The speaker placement is optimized for my head. Listening to this stereo takes me back to being a teenager. As Sheldon says on the Big Bang Theory....'That's my spot.'
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VAF today

Reading it on my phone at Rock Cut Brewery drinking a Kind Coffee Cascadian Ale and a Russian Imperial Stout aged in wiskey barrels. Suffering through it for you!
Reading it on my phone at Rock Cut Brewery drinking a Kind Coffee Cascadian Ale and a Russian Imperial Stout aged in wiskey barrels. Suffering through it for you!

OK, Larry, when I'm done I'm flying to your place. Sounds perfect!
I see that paper towel poking out from behind Vlad. You have been eating lunch on autopilot AND reading VANS at the same time! Right?
I have to compliment Vlad again. I nominate him for the "get out and fly your plane" world champion ambassador of general/experimental aviation.
Here, here!

At the office, in between patients!

Exactly. Helps maintain sanity.

So now when I get a little behind in my workday flow, I don't know whether to blame the electronic medical record (thanks, politician jerks) or the VAF (sincere thanks, Doug and community):rolleyes:

VAF is a great way to redeem the little snippets of time that open up in even a well-run schedule. And if you're the boss, who can say anything to ya?


Now on issue 4,071 much better uploading with iPad Pro :D

Vlad, can you really get internet data aloft, or did you open that page on the ground just for the photo?

If you can access the web at altitude, I want your secret. Heck, the whole world wants your secret.

Below 2,000' AGL almost everywhere in CONUS there is a signal reception. In your woods even higher. I was able to check VAF at 6.5 by you no secret here. Excellent internet in Montana and Idaho. Parts of Colorado has tons of towers on mountaintops.
Yes, but:

Cell towers tend to have antenna patterns sharply focused in a narrow horizontal plane, aimed downward a few degrees at the horizon or just below (I'm pretty sure). The networks are known to discriminate against rapidly moving targets that hit multiple towers at once with similar signal strength (denial of service to presumptive aeronautical-mobiles) - unless this is urban legend.

In my experience, cell calls are only possible within a few hundred feet of the ground - say 500' or less, and very unreliably. If you are patient, a text message might go out at the 2, 3, 4k level or higher but it can take minutes to happen. I have never successfully gotten data on my iPhone (Verizon) in flight at any altitude where it seemed safe to try (>1000 AGL). What you are saying will open the door to in-flight cockpit WX data as never before, even without ADS-B.

I am truly curious whether other pilots are having the same success, or if I just don't get airborne enough these days - quite possible.

Sorry for thread drift.

-Stormy out.
Cell towers tend to have antenna patterns sharply focused in a narrow horizontal plane, aimed downward a few degrees at the horizon or just below (I'm pretty sure). The networks are known to discriminate against rapidly moving targets that hit multiple towers at once with similar signal strength (denial of service to presumptive aeronautical-mobiles) - unless this is urban legend.

In my experience, cell calls are only possible within a few hundred feet of the ground - say 500' or less, and very unreliably. If you are patient, a text message might go out at the 2, 3, 4k level or higher but it can take minutes to happen. I have never successfully gotten data on my iPhone (Verizon) in flight at any altitude where it seemed safe to try (>1000 AGL). What you are saying will open the door to in-flight cockpit WX data as never before, even without ADS-B.

I am truly curious whether other pilots are having the same success, or if I just don't get airborne enough these days - quite possible.

Sorry for thread drift.

-Stormy out.

This is really interesting Bill & Vlad. Here's why. A couple of years ago, the local FBO gave me a device for using my cell phone in the air. I found that it would only work at very low altitude and right over the interstate ( I-85, northeast of Atlanta). As soon as I got higher or away from I 85----no signal. I'm not discounting what you say Vlad, just my experience with cell tower signals.:)
This is really interesting Bill & Vlad. Here's why. A couple of years ago, the local FBO gave me a device for using my cell phone in the air. I found that it would only work at very low altitude and right over the interstate ( I-85, northeast of Atlanta). As soon as I got higher or away from I 85----no signal. I'm not discounting what you say Vlad, just my experience with cell tower signals.:)

Don a lot of things changed from couple years ago. Today I was exploring my vicinities and had three devices online. iPadPro as primary efis iPad mini as a internet browsing device and iPhone to monitor emails from work. Everything worked. Slow but worked. :D
I can pick up Verizon 4G at 5500' over Virginia. Talking, I am not sure. Talking and data use different connections.
When I'm at work here, when I'm at home, anywhere I can! I'm addicted! I have to know whats going on! :p

Doesn't ADSB send you data via cell phone towers? I thought that was the premise of whole CONUS coverage. Perhaps internet availability piggybacked on that new technology...
I call BS. Only one person has been honest so far. It is a fact that 87% of all VAF posts are made/read from the turlit, 12% are from work during non-lunch hours, and 1% from those fancy computer setups.