
Active Member
I have a flying RV-12 that need new brake pads and wheel bearings. I can't seem to find these items on Van's web site. I've gone to Matco's site and there is no information about which products are for an RV-12. Where do I buy these items?
I suggest that you contact MATCO directly -- tell them the components are for an RV-12. The sites listed above are for CLEVELAND and GROVE brakes. The RV-12 uses MATCO brake and wheel components. MATCO has a lining exchange program if you do not want to do the relining yourself.
The Matco Number for the RV-12 brake assembly is MHE51B. Matco can sell you any parts you need based on that. They have an online store on their website, or you can call them. BTW, how did you determine you need new bearings?
I purchased new bearings for my RV12 from A&W Bearings in Dallas, TX.
Just give them the part number stamped on the old bearing and they will fix you up. Do a google search on them to get their information and call them tomorrow. They can usually send it out the same day.
There's probably a company that sells bearings in a city closer to you. I don't think there is anything aircraft specific about these bearings and they are probably used on lots of other things.
Good luck.
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Here at Van's... brake pads at least.

I suggest that you contact MATCO directly -- tell them the components are for an RV-12. The sites listed above are for CLEVELAND and GROVE brakes. The RV-12 uses MATCO brake and wheel components. MATCO has a lining exchange program if you do not want to do the relining yourself.

Actually, the first link is for the correct brake pads. The set sold for the 1 and two place airplanes are the same pad/lining kit that Matco sells. It comes with a full set of short and long rivets so it can be used on any of the different manufacturers brake calipers.
I've been using the Matco Swiftline deal. It's worked out really well for me.
That Matco Swiftline deal looks terrific. I have 260 hrs on my 12 and the original pads still look like new, so I'm not sure when I will use them, but I will keep it in mind..........Tom
Actually, the first link is for the correct brake pads. The set sold for the 1 and two place airplanes are the same pad/lining kit that Matco sells. It comes with a full set of short and long rivets so it can be used on any of the different manufacturers brake calipers.

Yeah... those are the brake pads I installed on my 12 last year, so I know they're correct. My bad on the link for the wheels, I didn't notice they weren't the Marco wheels.
Actually BigJohn, I've decided my bearings are still good. My pads are about worn out at 90 hrs because the calipers have been dragging. I'm using the pads in my unfinished kit to replace them and I have ordered new ones to replace those. The previous owner did not use the soft aluminum tubing for the brake lines as per the Construction manual. He used what appears to be a plastic tube with woven steel braid. It may be a superior line, but he did not put the loop in it around the LG leg and I think it is putting a side force or torque on the caliper that may be keeping it from backing off the disk.
On a "brake lining wear"-related note, be sure that there is no physical interference between the aft end of the inboard wheel pant attachment bracket and the aft-inboard corner of the brake caliper. If there is such interference, the brake caliper/linings may not wear evenly.
barefoot flyer

Additionally on a "brake lining wear".
Pretty sure my big ole clodhoppers were somewhat pressing the toe brakes while "ruddering" during the first 100 hrs or so of taxiing and takeoff & landing.
I found that not wearing shoes reduced brake and tire wear.
I get a much better feel for the brakes with just socked toes.