
I'm New Here
Hello all,

I just recently purchased a used 6a and want to fix a few things. One part is the trim along the aft edge of the canopy. Only problem is, I don't know where to order the parts. I just ordered the 6a plans from Vans so I will know what I'm looking for. I just can't quite figure out how to order parts from them. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I'm sure others will have better advice but I have emailed questions about part numbers (once known) to ask for information. Parts that are not listed on the site (which are many) you can order via phone during regular business hours (West Coast time).

Also review all the service bulletins and review your new-to-you log book to ensure they were done - or you can plan to have them done.
Pictures help too

If you post a picture there are many that can narrow it down or flat out tell you what it is and what to order from either Vans or 3 party vendor.
Congrats on your purchase and welcome to VAF! Having the plans is key. Once you find the part number you need, then you can either call or, if the part is listed online, buy it here:

Since it's experimental, there could be many parts/features that the builder added that were not supplied by Vans. I'm not sure I'm familiar with trim on the aft edge of a RV6 canopy. I'm sure if you posted a pic on the forum of the part you're seeking to replace the advice would flow in!
If you have the plans and have identified the part number, you need to go to the page that Kurt pointed to above and enter it in the search box.
If that fails, you may want to click where it says 'open and view the list'.
Scan and find the part off the list and enter it in the search box using the part number as listed.

Failing that, give them a call.
All good info so far....

Another thing to keep in mind is that these airplanes are individually built.
It would not be unusual to run across parts that were not supplied by Van's. In those cases, you will have to do some research because the part # will not be in the plans.
Wow, thanks for the response! Yes, I am very excited to be a part of this community. As shown from the number of responses in such a short amount of time, this truly is a great place. I guess I'll either wait for the plans to come or take a picture of the part. Also, I'm sure I'll have more questions soon. Thanks again.

I dont know if Vans has the plans on CD for the 6. I bought the CD for the 7 and that was the best 10 bucks I ever spent! Mine gives the part numbers and or hardware called for. :)