
Well Known Member
Well I loaded up the new GRT map databases into my Horizon boxes and I love it! River names, towns, etc.

One problem though, I lost the green descent arc, the one that tells you where you hit pattern altitude.

Couldn't find the control for it on my flight, but I was too interested in looking at geysers. :)

Mine still works - in fact, they improved it by making it a little thicker - easier to see. I'm not sure if there is a menu item to turn it on or off - you might check the map config page?
Map range?

Hi Hans,

If your selected altitude intercept point (arc) is at a distance farther than the selected map range the arc will not appear. To see the arc set the map range to a greater distance.

I hope this helps.


Carlos Fernandez
GRT Avionics
Green Arc Update

Well, I went for a flight over Craters of the Moon, and I had green arc pop up every time I descended, until I got close to the airport. Same deal on the way back to BZN.

I don't know what is up, I don't think it was a range thing, well maybe. Is there a setting that deselects the green arc at lower ranges? I was looking for it descent into Bozeman it was not there at lower map ranges, however it wasn't that the intersect point was out of range. In other words, with the airport showing on the map, and me nosing the plane down so much that I would hit the ground long before I got to the airport, still no green arc.

Carlos, I don't know what is up, but I miss the green arc! I used it all the time, I haven't changed the way I fly, but my green arc is MIA when I actually need it.

I love the new map updates! So nice to know actually know for sure the name of the town, river, and highway! Increased situational awareness bigtime. It looks great.
