
Well Known Member
I'm planning to install the newer style nose wheel fairing brackets. So, I need to fill in the axle holes. What's the best filler material to use with West System epoxy?
Find a local EZ/Cozy builder. Flox is a structural material and may or may not be needed for your application.

If I sent some (cotton flock) in the mail it would probably be flagged as a bio-hazard since 9/11.
I'm planning to install the newer style nose wheel fairing brackets. So, I need to fill in the axle holes. What's the best filler material to use with West System epoxy?

Flox and resin alone would not be a good choice to fill such large holes.
You should use a couple of layers of glass bridging acrossed the holes on the inside surface as a starting point.
From an OLD LongEZ builder now RV9 builder

Use Micro for the fill in your resin mixture. Mix up to the consistancy of your choice and fill the void. The Cotton Flox is used by Rutan to actually fix metal parts to the structural glass. Not necessary as a surface fill. It doesn't make a smooth fill joint. The Micro will also works well with West Epoxy. Can also get it from A/CSpruce
Use Micro for the fill in your resin mixture. Mix up to the consistancy of your choice and fill the void. The Cotton Flox is used by Rutan to actually fix metal parts to the structural glass. Not necessary as a surface fill. It doesn't make a smooth fill joint. The Micro will also works well with West Epoxy. Can also get it from A/CSpruce

This also would not a good way to fill the hole. He is wanting to (if I understand correctly) fill holes in the nose wheel pant that are 5/8" in diameter. A micro mixture would not be very durable.
<<... fill holes in the nose wheel pant that are 5/8" in diameter.>>

Listen to Scott. 80 grit a dished depression in the backside about 2" diameter so the 5/8" hole is nearly a feather edge. Lay in 4 plies of 9 oz (or whatever you have that adds up to finished thickness like the original glass). Later wipe a very thin coat micro/epoxy mix on the outside and sand to contour.
Finally the right answer!

[QUOTE 80 grit a dished depression in the backside about 2" diameter so the 5/8" hole is nearly a feather edge. Lay in 4 plies of 9 oz (or whatever you have that adds up to finished thickness like the original glass). Later wipe a very thin coat micro/epoxy mix on the outside and sand to contour.[/QUOTE]

Dan's process is the perfect method for what you want to do.
Finally the right answer!

"80 grit a dished depression in the backside about 2" diameter so the 5/8" hole is nearly a feather edge. Lay in 4 plies of 9 oz (or whatever you have that adds up to finished thickness like the original glass). Later wipe a very thin coat micro/epoxy mix on the outside and sand to contour."

Dan's process is the perfect method for what you want to do.

Here are the relevant pages from the West System "Manual" for repairs, see pages 22-26 or so....
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