
Well Known Member
Does anyone have any good sources in my area: (OKLAHOMA) or surrounding states,,,, TX, KS, CO, NM to get my twin engine rating in a Beech Baron along with Commericial and IFR rating all in one boot. I can get the twin engine rating in the Baron local, but the Commercial and IFR is mostly what I'm looking for. I've got an opportunity that I can't pass up and I'm needing information if anyone has any ideas. Feel free to send me anything, the good and the bad, I want a place that is GOOD and does not skip corners!!!!!! So far I've looked into Salina, KS, Kansas State University and American Flyers in Dallas, TX ..... Any response would be great. AJ
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It may help if you let us know what kind of time frame you're looking at. Where I teach at a part 141 school, it would take 6 quarters of school to accomplish what you want.

You can probably find an accelerated place to get all of that done in a few months, but it would be a (no pun intended) crash course, and not all that thorough.
I've heard excellent things about gatts.org. They're based out of Manhattan, KS. They offer condensed commercial and IFR. If you go to the studentpilot.com forums and do a search for gatts there is a rather glowing review/journal of the IFR course.

Check with ATP, Inc. I know they almost exclusively use Seminoles, but they are a very good accelerated training outfit with locations scattered across the country.
I received my IFR rating from Gatts in Manhattan Kansas. I assure you they will surpass your expectations and you will come home with your ratings.

Thanks for everyones feedback as I will check into all of these. I'm leaning towards an accelerated coarse as I don't want to drag it out over months and months or a year. Thanks again. AJ
COM and IFR and Multi engine diff animals

"get my twin engine rating in a Beech Baron along with Commericial and IFR rating all in one boot."AJ

Alan do you have your single engine commercial?
Do you have your single IFR rating?

As a CFI, CFII & MEI going from prvt VFR direct to multi com IFR is a challenge. I had one student try it, but it was less than ideal and awkward.

I don't know what ratings you have but there are issues if going from Pvt VFR SEL. If you are Pvt SEL VFR, I suggest you get your IFR rating SEL, COM SEL. Than the Multi COM is a cake walk.

There is some issues getting a multi commercial with out the single COM. To get a commercial you have to do maneuvers that they (Examiners) can't or don't want you doing in a twin like: chandelle, lazy-8, ground ref: 8's around pylon, 8's on pylon and steep spiral.

So to get your twin COM you may have to fly some of your check ride in a a single (complex) to perform those COM maneuvers you can't do in the twin. What I am saying you can't really get you COM in a twin with out a SEL com rating, at least easily. Like I said its up to the CFI-ME and the examiner if this is what you are doing.

If you don't have your single IFR, doing it in a twin will be a handful and waste of money.

If you have your IFR and COM SEL disregard all of above. :D

Bottom LINE: The IFR rating is totally different than the COM rating. One is gentle maneuvers and procedures by ref of instruments only and the COM rating is all VFR and yanking and banking. Trying to do both at the same time (IFR/COM/MULTI) in swoop, not recommended in my opinion.

As far as a weekend or week course, sure. Assuming you have an IFR and COM rating already, you can get a multi-com. There is no min flight hours but plan on 8-12 hours, depending on how good your IFR skills are.

Mastering the real uniqe part of multi engine flying is easy. The theory for multi-engine plane flying (with one) engine adds a layer onto your aero knowledge such as:

Vmc - min control red line
Vyse - blue line
Why is a slight bank into the good engine needed for min drag?
How is Vmc determined and what affects it? (speed, HP, bank angle & altitude)

Plus you will have two of everything and probably cowl flaps and feathering props. Its fun. :D "Losing" and engine on the procedure turn out-bound for a single engine ILS to mins is a blast. Really its fun and a challenge. That is where my suggestion comes from. You really need to know your IFR flying down before going for the multi is key.
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Go to GATTS!

Alan, I just got my IFR rating last wednesday at GATTS and would highly recommend them for your instrument and commercial. They are great folks who offer a comprehensive program in a friendly and professional environment. You will be assigned your personal instructor, provided with a small appartment for your stay and a car for transportation, all included in their fee wich is guaranteed up front. The instrument course takes 7 days with checkride on the eight, the commercial takes three. Like george pointed out, it would probably be better to take them with a break in between since the training is intense.

GATTS is located in Manhattan, KS, a nice little college town. GATTS www.gatts.org Good luck, Martin Sutter building and flying RV's since 1988