
Looking to see where all the Rocket and Raider owners and builders are?
I don’t own one yet but I’m interested in owning one.
F1 build

I am building my F1 at KSEE. I don't know of any other F1 builders around. If you in the area feel free to come and check it out.
HRII with F1 mount and legs. In phase I out of KPAN
Take a look at the Rocket FB page. It seems to have a fair amount of activity on it.
Take a look at the Rocket FB page. It seems to have a fair amount of activity on it.

Groan.... FB is a place for information to go to die. Good luck finding a thread a year from now.

There is an official, searchable Team Rocket forum, newsletters, etc. Contact me if interested.
We compiled a list earlier in the year on FB and this was what we came up with. Far from complete.


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Groan.... FB is a place for information to go to die. Good luck finding a thread a year from now.

There is an official, searchable Team Rocket forum...

I certainly don't disagree with Vince's sentiment and I only grudgingly participate in a few Facebook Groups.

But for those who are unaware, you can search past posts inside a FB Group. It's clunky and not particularly accurate but at the top of every FB Group page is a small magnifying glass icon.

Click the magnifying glass and enter search term. It's far from precise but you can find past posts withing the group using this tool.

FB Group.jpg

I bought a partially built F-4. I’ve been working on it with a vengeance for about 9 months. I should have it finished by the end of the year, or very close.

0N0 - Roosterville in NE KC Area.

I bought a partially built F-4. I’ve been working on it with a vengeance for about 9 months. I should have it finished by the end of the year, or very close.

0N0 - Roosterville in NE KC Area.


I’m in the process of buying a well know F4. I should have it by next week.
I’m in Arkansas.
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I have a F1 Rocket based out of 14A near CLT. It’s Jim Winings yellow Rocket. It does have one problem. 14A is under the CLT bravo airspace and I have to level at 3500 on departure. This forces me to pull the power back to avoid exceeding 200 KIAS!