From their website..
- The next update is delayed. There's a problem with one of the government data sources we use for airspace updates. We will post an update as soon as that's fixed.

Ill see if I cant get an update from them thats more current
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GRT Nav Database

Hi John,

I'm very sorry for the delay-- but we're having to fight to keep it free for our customers. The government is trying to charge us an exorbitant amount of money for our database subscription, which ran out at the end of 2012. Owner Greg has been working on a solution and is actually supposed to call them today to finalize it. He is confident that we will still be able to offer free database updates to our customers. We'll get a new database update on the website as soon as we can.
Map Data

I'm wondering where Dynon, Advanced or AvMap get their map data? These maps look really good, and while no one is more appreciative of GRTs free maps, I would be willing to pay a modest annual fee (not Jepp monopoly map data fees) for great maps!

I still have a Garmin 375 in the panel for good map data as let's face it, the GRT data isn't the best. My original panel had a Avidyne EX-500 as they had the best map data, especially for Class B airspace I'd ever seen... even worth the 28 volt system I had to install to support it. GRT has super displays with synthetic vision, better maps would be great.

Hopefully, GRT can get this solved soon.

RV6-A N142DS "Nerdgasm"
I believe AvMap is Jepp based and costs $35/mo. Don't know about the others. I only update my AvMap a few times a year (summer flying season), otherwise use Foreflight for my official maps.
I *think* that I heard that they **MIGHT** be back by the next data cycle.
They supposedly have sorted stuff out with "the gubmint" for the data and are now in the queue.

Just sharing what I think is the case. Don't hold my feet to it just yet.

We get our updated data from the FAA every month. We just renewed our annual subscription at the end of the year and it was the same $213 annual charge that we have paid for years. I don't know if everyone gets their data from the same source, but this is how we get it. We post our free current map data every 28 days on our website.

We are also about to release PocketFMS Worldwide Data. This will mean much improved map data for our International customers.

Jenny Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
We get our data from the FAA for the same $213 we've been paying for years, and just renewed as well, just like AFS. It's just a website that anyone can register for and pay for with a credit card. We're having no issues and haven't heard any rumblings about the FAA charging for this data anytime soon. We're posing on schedule every 28 days like normal.

We currently support PocketFMS and Jeppsen as well.
Greg fixed the problem and the GRT database update will be available on our website as soon as we receive the next cycle.

Again, we're sorry for any inconvenience caused by the delay.
For your interest we have a similar problem in New Zealand and at a recent SAA (USA = EAA) fly-in had the chance to speak to one of the folk from Airways Corporation - the Government Department that does our aeronautical maps. He is also a PPL flier so understands the problem

He explained that as always for them it is one of cost - there are less than 2000 pilots in New Zealand so take out the heavy metal only fliers and it is not a big base in terms of dollar value market however they are obligated by ICAO to produce them so they are concerned that they do not sell one copy to be copied free many times. Understand all of that so I have agreed to work with them to get a solution that suits the 80/20 rule - won't be able to satisfy everybody.

He explained how PocketFMS, AirNavPro RunwayHD get their data, they pay a subscription to Airways BUT Jeppersen and it is big BUT Do Not. They get what data they can from whatever source and have a team of folk manually transcribing it back at the ranch into navigation type data. That is why Jeppersen does not have some of the smaller details, certainly in New Zealand on their maps. The data obtained they get it for free, and what you are paying for is their manual transcription of data into Jeppersen maps with the mistakes and miss-outs that go with it.

So when you fly heavy metal and they use Jeppersen and it is not on the map you now know who to blame. I think our Airways Corporation and perhaps yours in the USA need to tighten up on their copyright data and that way we as smaller pilots would not be burdened because Jeppersen is not contributing to its fair share of government supplied information.

I was surprised by this revelation and add it as it may have similar ramifications in the USA and elsewhere.

My 2 cents worth.

Cheers Peter

Peter Armstrong
Auckland, New Zealand
All Up!

Yes, as indicated by BillFear above, the new (March) cycle is now available on our website.

Thanks again for your patience!