Scott Chastain

Active Member
The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness,
The world and those who dwell therein.
For He has founded it upon the seas,
And established it upon the waters.
Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?
Or who may stand in His holy place?

Psalm 24:1-3
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That aquarium is indeed Spiritual. Years ago the kids and I went there on a whim as we drove up the coast. As we left, I bought a family membership, as I knew we would need to return again, this time when Mom was not working. Eventually, the kids did their first diving there, which they enjoyed enough to pursue certification as soon as they were old enough. Diving has become a significant family activity.

Thanks for the memories, Scott.
A stroll down the warf requires a table at Abalonetti?s and a plate of calamari.
Wow... this one took me back to some very familiar places where I had spent a lot of time. On a wintry Michigan day like today, I miss California so much. Thanks again for sharing.
monterey bay

what an awesome diary. I had no idea. thanks. that is now on my bucket list in 2 1/2 years when I retire. thank you sir!
Great Travel Log!!

As I sit in Wisconsin and look out at 6 inches of snow and 7 BELOW zero. I thoroughly enjoyed your thread. Another addition to the bucket list.......
its a dry heat tho

As I sit in Wisconsin and look out at 6 inches of snow and 7 BELOW zero. I thoroughly enjoyed your thread. Another addition to the bucket list.......

Exactly!! like the part where he says it was a brisk morning LOL