
Well Known Member
Now that the New Years Eve party is over, the clouds are lifting from your head, time to fly!

Who was the first to their RV fly in "09"?

Log your first flight of "09" here also.
Still deciding

The engine is warm. I added air to the front tire yesterday. I have to check into forecast winds along the Front Range and in the mountains. I may just go to Pueblo, COS and back if the winds are iffy in the mountains.

300 PM MST (2200Z) Update. The forecast winds over the mountains were above my limits so the planned airport bagging flight changed to 00V - PUB - COs - 00V. AS I was about to close the hangar door Stewart drives up so we flew instead to LHX for lunch. Some turbulence at 9500 feet from the winds. Landing uneventful and we end up at the Hoggs Salon or something like that.

Back at 00V I am on downwind about to turn base and the winds seem odd so a go-around seemed possible. Short final and the windsock shows significant tailwind/crosswind so I go-around and announce I will set up for 33. Stewart does the same.

Just a so-so flight. The mountains are our usual direction but high winds lately make that undesirable. I need to find a new cross-country destination.
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Just plugged in the heater on the -8. Got my first rv hours yesterday with my instructor, and hopefully will get another 2-3 today shortly after lunch!
0745 CST 1/1/2009

Thought I should start the New Year right. Went to gas the plane up and check it out. I am flying my Dad down to South Texas tomorrow to meet up with some family at the hunting lease.

Gonna be a good year!!!!!!!!
Just back from flight test after condition inspection. Now off to east Texas to visit my sister.
N168TX left the ground at 9:35 am CST, 1/1/2009.
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Arrrgh! You Guys Are Killing Me!

We had a group flight planned to a neat little airport near the San Francisco Bay area. Woke up to find fog from the Sierras to the sea. So it is back to bed, and wait for the fog to burn off!
Happy New Year to all!
Lets use zulu!

Larry, Could we do this using zulu time please. We are talking aviation :)

I left the ground at 08:30 zulu in the Supercub, though not until 13;30 zulu in the -4. My one up manship will be short lived though, some Australian convict will appear out of the woodwork now :)

I would be grateful if the Ozzies could send some spare sunshine. Blowing warm air in the engine for 2 hours before start up is no fun.

Happy New Year to everyone.
Just back from flight test after condition inspection. Now off to east Texas to visit my sister.
N168TX left the ground at 9:35 am CST, 1/1/2009.

We have an unoffical winner! Mel is in 1st place.

Anyone else beat Mel out?
Just back from another fuel consumption test flight. I'm now at 19.8 on my 40 hours and the plane, while unpainted and ugly, is beautiful. Sorry for any cognitive dissonance there; either you understand or it can't be explained.:cool:
a new winner

looks like we got a new winner!!

Bob & Nancy were weight off wheels at 1330z!!

must've been nice with 10000 mile vis!! happy new year!! :D:D
Larry, Could we do this using zulu time please. We are talking aviation :)

I left the ground at 08:30 zulu in the Supercub, though not until 13;30 zulu in the -4. My one up manship will be short lived though, some Australian convict will appear out of the woodwork now :)

I would be grateful if the Ozzies could send some spare sunshine. Blowing warm air in the engine for 2 hours before start up is no fun.

Happy New Year to everyone.

looks like we got a new winner!!

Bob & Nancy were weight off wheels at 1330z!!

must've been nice with 10000 mile vis!! happy new year!! :D:D

We have a tie?

Next year I can see a formation flight coming at 11:59PM local time. ;)
Perhaps not the first flight today, but at approximately 1015 this morning, a three ship RV flight departed Pontiac Michigan with a mission to overfly Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) as a final salute to friend, fellow pilot, LongEze builder, and senior controller at Detroit TRACON, Alex Becker. While tomorrow is officially Alex's last day on the scope before retirement and a move South, we decided to launch today to take advantage of the good weather. Alex was not aware of our plan.
In lead was Dave Pohl in his RV7A with Harry Manvel (Defiant builder/pilot) in the right seat. DAR Ted Gauthier followed solo on the right in his RV6 ,and amphib Rebel builder/pilot Curt Martin joined me in my 9A.
We had briefed to fly "the cage", a series of VFR corridors leading into Class B, over the top of Willow Run Airport (KYIP) for alignment, and then over the active approach end of DTW at 2500 MSL. This route allows you to watch the big guys landing underneath and offers an interesting perspective for anyone who has little exposure to high density traffic.
On climb-out, we contacted Detroit Approach, requested the Cage, and also requested that they alert Alex as we passed over DTW. Unfortunately, the controller advised us that Flow Control was in effect and it would be at least 40 minutes before they could accept an overflight. At that point, we then requested vectors to the sector that Alex was assigned today to at least make a pass thru his zone. After a brief "standby", Alex came up on the radio to thank us for making the attempt. Detroit approach is a busy place, so we quickly advised that we were pivoting for a return to Pontiac, some 30 miles away. Fortunately for us, we left the radio set to approach on the return, and halfway back got another call. "RV flight, we should have an opening in the line in about 15 minutes, if you want to try an overflight". We confirmed, reversed course, and started heading back to DTW. Just outside of the Class B once again, Alex came back on the radio and advised that he was handing over his mic and heading for the tower. Inbound, we were cleared to enter the airspace and proceed directly to the approach end of 22R. As we got within about 5 miles, approach cleared us down to 500 AGL, with a pass close to the tower. It was like the parting of the Red Sea. The big guys were being advised of a low overflight of RVs crossing midfield. As we passed the tower, we clicked the mike once again and said, "this one's for you Alex". Approach then vectored us onto an Eastbound heading toward the Detroit River, and a clearance to fly upriver between Detroit and Canada - they had already cleared Canadian airspace for us. Upriver, we climbed again to 2500. We had circled the city of Detroit, overflown two major airports, and had straddled the only international border where Canada actually sits South of the U.S. More importantly, we had properly said goodbye to a friend and fellow builder/aviator.

As a postscript, we could hear Alex working traffic as we returned. It was clear he was reminding some big guy of the heading he had been assigned. The pilot's response was that he was on that assigned heading. Alex came back with, "our equipment may be old, be we can actually see what direction you're pointed. Turn right heading --- '.

Every day in the air is a good day. This one was even better.

Terry, CFI
ok so it wasn't in an RV, but when it was new years on the east coast I was over the Pacific, when it was New Years on the west coast I was about 30 minutes from coasting in to WA. As soon as the weather gets warmer, and I catch up on my sleep the RV will be coming out.
Well, I wasn't trying to be the first.. but I did wanna go up.. so it was this afternoon :) What a gorgeous day to go flying.. even if giving a ride to the in-laws....
I did a quick hop in the 6A this afternoon after getting back from skiing. I had not been up in the last 60 days due to work and lots of bad weather (unusually cold and lots of snow). I had the circuit to myself and with the OAT at around -5C, ROC was awesome on half tanks.:)

The snow started again about an hour after I landed and temps are supposed to plunge back down to -25C again tonight. :( Looks like I'll be doing more skiing than flying for the next couple of months. The annual is due in 6 more days anyway.
I tried:rolleyes:
Got to the airport only to find a C340 out of action on the runway:mad:
Guy stood on the brakes and put a hole the size of a tennis ball in his tire and blew it right off the rim.
I spent a 1hr trying to help and finally they had to call the A&P on the field to come in and put a new tire on, so they could get the bird off the runway.
Oh well always tomorrow:D

P.S say a little prayer for me so the good Lord holds the snow off for next week:)
Tanya and I got in our new years day flight this afternoon. It was a 2.0hr simulated instrument training flight with me under the hood the whole time departing from home (GTU) direct to the IAF for the GPS 19 approach at Brunet (BMQ) which terminated with a touch-&-go, direct the Llano VOR (LLO) for the Llano (AQO) VOR-A approach, terminating in a circle to land with a touch-&-go. Then direct Taylor (T74) for the VOR-DME 17 approach with a touch-&-go, and finally back home (GTU) for the GPS 18 approach, full stop. Ahhh, a good workout for the first day of the new year. Tanya was pooped out just being safety pilot :). Picked up a big juicy steak on the way home that is on the grill now... Bring it on for 2009.
Happy new year to all!
No negative temps for me!

You guys in the North have bigger ones than me. I can deal with negative numbers in every aspect......except in temperature. When the temperature goes below 20*F, it's time to stay in the shop.
Just one more reason I live in Texas.
James Kleen (Grover) flew me in his -8 up to Sumter SC to pick up a C-150. It took us an hour up and took me two hours to fly back! 3 hours of flying all on the first day of the year!
O900 PST - Big Bear Lake

Just had to get out this morning at Big Bear - The Val is 1400 miles away in Houston, but Mikey was ready to go! Gorgeous weather - what more can I say?


We had lunch with a number of RV'ers here at the Barnstormer, then I took a local friend for a ride just as Bob Mills was taking off in his Super Six - the right seater got this shot - I think Bob might like it....;)


Happy New Year, and many good flying hours to all!

You guys in the North have bigger ones than me. I can deal with negative numbers in every aspect......except in temperature. When the temperature goes below 20*F, it's time to stay in the shop.
Just one more reason I live in Texas.

Living up here, we only have to clean bugs off the plane 6 months out of the year! That's one of the few advantages of living here over Texas that I can think of though... I hate bugs.

Oh, Oh, I just thought of another one- the incessant snow shoveling strengthens your arms and back.

And- I bet you don't have a rabbit making a new home in the snow bank piled up outside your hangar door either! Must have looked awfully inviting to the little fella.

How many Canucks does it take to pull an RV out of the hangar? Three. One to pull and two more to watch that the wingtips clear the snow banks.;)
1030 PST (1830 GMT)

Well, looks like I was still sleeping (or just rollin' out) when Mel was up and attum! First flight of '09 was a good one though, with the trip to Big Bear for lunch with Paul, Louise, Gary, Eddie and the gang!

Here's one of Big Bear Lake from the opposite direction as yours Paul. Nice from any angle, eh!!


Paul, I'd post one of the pix we took of you and Louise in Mikey, but we had a little technical difficulty with the camera's ol' O-N/O-F-F switch while on your wing!

Then flew my Father-in-Law past the test facility he worked at in the Palmdale desert for 38 years, then on back to Agua Dulce, another beautiful little aerodrome (and they tell me they do a fly-in lunch the last Sunday of each month!)

Happy New Year's all!


And in the words of Larry the Cable Guy, "I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there!" (below):

How many Canucks does it take to pull an RV out of the hangar? Three. One to pull and two more to watch that the wingtips clear the snow banks.;)
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The 'Borrowed Horse' took me to visit Charlie Kerns RV8 project on 1-1-09. a short flight but still fun and a good way to start the new year. and.....Charlie bought lunch!

Thanks Charlie
flight of 4

Although there's cold front moving in and the south winds were picking up, four experimentals flew yesterday afternoon from Ogden, UT, KOGD.
Rick in his 6A, Roland in his 6, Blake in his 7A and me in my 9A.

First flight 2009

My first post on this site. Building an RV-7A (2 Glasairs an RV-8 and RV6A). Have been working on the RV so have not had a chance to fly for awhile. Yesterday Kurt Goodfellow offered to let me fly his RV-9 so took him up on it. It has a 3 cylinder turbo/supercharged 120 HP engine. Really a nice airplane. Any way a great way to start off the new year. Thanks Kurt.
Not just low-wings!

That is a disadvantage of a low wing.:(

I over-heard a visiting pilot ask the Big Bear FBO lady is the recent big snow storm had resulted in any aircraft accidents at the airport. She said a Cessna had clipped a wing on the snow berm on the previous Monday. It was a lot of snow!

What a wonderful week of aviating in So Cal. I sure enjoyed the visit with other RVers on New Year Day!
Takeoff at 10AM on 1 January

I had a chance to get together with two of my sons in the Atlanta area. The wheels left the runway at 10AM Eastern Time. The ride from the Chattanooga area toward Atlanta always has something to see, either lakes, or the ridges that mark the end of the Appalachian Mountain range in Georgia.
I got air under the wings about 3:30 on the first. Also on the second and the third! Looks like I have a streak going and it sure is fun!

Bob Kelly
Day 1, 2009

RaNae and I jumped in the plane on Thursday afternoon to scout out the Sand Hollow Sand Dunes where we would be riding on Friday.
I also showed her the rocket sled track where they test ejection seats and the trailer that is hanging off the edge of the cliff. (Gene showed me this a few day before)

We then went flying a second time in the evening for a sunset flight.

It sounds like next year someone will have in-flight pictures at midnight.
I will have to find a way to get Dick Clark piped into my DVD system. :D

Sand Hollow Sand Dunes - The hill on the bottom left is called the wall. I found out you need paddle tires and lots of horsepower.

Rocket Sled Track on Hurricane Mesa (Sunset Flight)

This trailer must have the best view in the world. (It is part of the rocket sled track complex)

Not ONE SIX RIGHT, but it was 16 on the landing at Grassy Meadows.

Flight #2
The first sunset of the year was a winner too! Looks like it will be a good year.





If you've posted the answer before, my apologies....but what camera are you using to take those magnificent photos?
Thanks fo the info Scott, and keept those pictures coming. I did a couple flights on 1-1-09, but not a whole lot of excitement over taking pictures of brown fields and snow covered farms. :p
Freakin' cold !!!!

Hey all

Did my first flight of '09 on new years day around 10 in the morning. Smooth, but cold. -16C (3F) on the ground, -20C (-4F) at 2000'.

Now, I realize that isn't REALLY cold, but for some reason my -8 seems to be a heat sink. I flew in Alfio's (lycosaurus on these forums) -9A yesterday and it was way warmer. Mind you, he has two heat muffs piped in series, so that helps.

Off at 0815 MST from Albuquerque for the annual fly in to Bullhead City. Had lunch with fellow RVers, then off to Sedona. 4.1 total for the first day of the year! And a beautiful day it was. :)
3 cylinder RV9

My first post on this site. Building an RV-7A (2 Glasairs an RV-8 and RV6A). Have been working on the RV so have not had a chance to fly for awhile. Yesterday Kurt Goodfellow offered to let me fly his RV-9 so took him up on it. It has a 3 cylinder turbo/supercharged 120 HP engine. Really a nice airplane. Any way a great way to start off the new year. Thanks Kurt.


I noticed that you mentioned Kurt Goodfellow and his 9. This must be the only flying WAM-120 in the U.S. I have been following this engine with some interest and gather the Kurt has somewhat of a unique installation. Do you know if he has a website or is on this group? I would be interested to learn more about his experience with Wilksch and see some pics of the install. I'm curious if his cowl has the "basking shark" look that others with this engine have.
