
Well Known Member
When in the build process am I supposed to finish riveting the aft side skin F-824 to the longeron F-887?

It is a quick build kit. The aft deck is finished but the tail has not been mounted yet. I have looked through the instructions extensively and I'm sure that I am missing where it references when to do these. If anybody knows, that would be very helpful as I would like to get them out of the way now but don't know if I have to wait for a certain time in the build down the road.


Hi Mike,

On my slow build I riveted that area along with the other rivets in the side skin when I attached F-824. Don't forget to leave a few open for the emp fairing as called out on dwg 74.

I'd be surprised a slow build is different, but you may want to call Vans.

Hi Mike,

On my slow build I riveted that area along with the other rivets in the side skin when I attached F-824. Don't forget to leave a few open for the emp fairing as called out on dwg 74.

I'd be surprised a slow build is different, but you may want to call Vans.


Same here. I didn't catch that OP had a quick build on the first read, and briefly got worried that I'd riveted something I wasn't supposed to! (wouldn't be the first time...)

Long story short, I believe they can be riveted any time.
Just make sure your tail gear stuff is bolted in before you rivet. It's much easier now than later.
Would it be easier to match drill the horizontal and vertical stabs on before riveting those?