
Well Known Member
I am looking at my elevators and I have 6 open holes to attach the upper skins to the rear spars, at the outboard end of both elevators. These were left open on page 09-18 figure 2 and page 09-19 figure 3. The inboard 3 holes that were left open (09-18 figures 1 and 2) get riveted at page 09-21 step 4 for the left elevator and step 7 for the right elevator. I have completed page 09-22 and page 09-23 is where the trailing edges start getting closed up permanently. Am I missing a step or is the manual missing one?
Once you're finished with 09-23 rivet those 6 locations as well. I had the same question to Van's, the plans do not explain this very well.
Once you're finished with 09-23 rivet those 6 locations as well. I had the same question to Van's, the plans do not explain this very well.
Do you mean after page 09-22 or after page 09-23? By the end of 09-23, the trailing edge and trailing edge ribs are bonded to both skins and the close-out tabs are riveted together, which would prevent getting the special bucking bar into the rear spars. I think it is safe to rivet these last 6 rivets on each elevator between pages 09-22 and 09-23, but don?t want to jump the gun. :)
You are correct about getting the bucking bar in there. It seems that some of the processes at this point and going forward are not completely outlined and I find that I need to take my time and really think about the order of things to come. Overall this kit is far superior to anything.