
Well Known Member
I'm finishing up my center fuselage section, and the plans say to not rivet the F-623 side baggage ribs at this point. Looking ahead, the only other mention I can find of these ribs are in the next subsection, after making the conical bend on the F-970 forward side skins, where the plans say to make and install the F-623A straps.

Am I missing something in wondering why I can't go ahead and just rivet the ribs and straps now, while dealing with the center fuselage bottom skin?
Same question

Scott - I have the same question. Let me know if you get an answer, as will I.


These get riveted when you joing the aft and center fuselage sections. The instructions really start to dwindle at this point in the manual, so don't expect any explicit advice on when to actually do this. At some point you just need to get everything riveted together to roll the canoe.
Thanks Bruce. That's what my gut told me, just to go ahead and rivet it then during the joining. Welcome to the twilight zone of the manual, where one starts to go by the general rule of "See an open hole that looks like it should be filled? Fill it." :)
623 attach straps

Is there specific material provided for these straps or are they made from 0.032 shim stock? I can't find the AS3-032X3/4X2 3 /4 called-out for in the plans.
baggage rib

I just ahead of you on the on the same model. I asked the same question to Vans. The f-623 can be riveted now or with the side skins. Just make sure the the the side skin conical bend inserted correctly, and some rivets on the f-623 must remain open until final riveting. and only the forward attach strips can be "pre-installed"

I opted to rivet in sooner rather than later; one less piece among many floating around during this stage of the build.