
Well Known Member
I did a search but couldn't find much on this. At what point can or should I pay sales tax? Can I claim the value up to the finishing kit? I live in Florida.

I?ve paid sales tax in Florida on three kits completed since moving here in2001. Always waited till all kits were purchased including finishing kit. Took receipts to the local department of revenue office and told them I wanted to pay sales tax. Each time they called the aviation tax department in Tallahassee to get the correct paperwork done. I would suggest you get an n number reserved for your project so that you can give that to them as well. After paying for the last kit I got a letter form the state office verifying that the taxes had been paid. I have never had a problem with late fees doing it this way.
I would not mess with the taxes in the State of Florida, especially when it comes to aviation, and suggest waiting to register the airplane until you're almost done.

I didn't do that and I spend years trying to make it right; I kept hoping the state would follow through with their threat of legal action because communication got me nowhere. It only ended when they finally tried to put a lien and a lawyer involved.

Interestingly, my tax bill ended up being about half of what I offered to pay... but the penalty brought it back to exactly I had been trying to pay for years.

I would make sure I make all the payments on time and keep a copy of all associated paperwork. When it comes time to register the airplane, I would give the aviation division advance notice as to what payments have been made and which ones may be due.
I looked at Florida's requirements online. Once I found the "Penalties" section and found "Failure to Timely Pay and File a Return: 10% of unpaid tax if not more than 30 days past due. Additional 10% penalty for each additional 30 days or part of 30 days that the tax remains unpaid. Minimum penalty: $50. Maximum penalty: 50% of tax due.". I had to pay the tax one way or another so I figured I might just as well pay when they want me to and not take the chance of incurring that onerous penalty. YMMV

Agree about getting your N number ...