
Well Known Member
On the wait list for RV-14 kits. Probably receiving in 2023.
In the mean time, thinking of other things I can be going.
Like ordering a Dynon panel, go thru that wait list and build the panel in 2022.

Any reason NOT to order panel components early?
Local RVr thinks that any major product introductions by Dynon are unlikely.
Instead will be software changes/updates that will progress things.
Counter would be to hold off for any future product changes or price reductions.

I recommend waiting on the panel until last, with the exception:
- The two autopilot servo mounts (just the mounts, not the servos themselves)
- The heated AOA/Pitot
- The Pitot and static install kit
- The Pitot mast

The actual panel and all wiring, start to finish, is perhaps a month. Don't burn the cash just to start the warrantee clock early.

If you find yourself with dead time, then:
- Buy and build "The Works) from FlyLed and install.
- Run you wiring for power, sticks, headsets, and such.
- Install the SkyView EMS and associated engine probs.
- Install, and test your antennas using an analyzer


Probably the secondary components of a Dynon Skyview system won't change much over the next few years - my guess, anyway, without talking to Dynon about this. But they are having chip and display procurement issues like other folks and while an early purchase might lock in a price ahead of a possible price increase, there's also a chance that Dynon might choose to redesign something to make their supply chain work again. Who knows?

I'd bet that they have a list of things they'd do differently or improvement they'd make if they had a chance. In fact, I'd be surprised if they don't.

The actual panel and all wiring, start to finish, is perhaps a month.

Depends how fast you work and how much time you have available to do so. I've been wiring for a lot longer than that--but I only get a couple hours a week.

One thing you (OP) can do is mock up some dummy components and run wire while you wait. I did this and it helped. I did wind up ordering early (it was right after the big price increase announcements from Van's, Lycoming, etc and I didn't want to get stuck).
I still have my 3D printed dummies (everything but the screens themselves) and when I'm finally really done with them I'll pass them along.

Though I'll ask... how far along are you on the -14? Or are you still waiting to start (which is how it reads from your post)?
I wouldn't order the avionics before starting the airframe...

Probably the secondary components of a Dynon Skyview system won't change much over the next few years - my guess, anyway, without talking to Dynon about this. But they are having chip and display procurement issues like other folks and while an early purchase might lock in a price ahead of a possible price increase, there's also a chance that Dynon might choose to redesign something to make their supply chain work again. Who knows?

I'd bet that they have a list of things they'd do differently or improvement they'd make if they had a chance. In fact, I'd be surprised if they don't

They're already doing this--it's part of why some products are unavailable or on indefinite backorder. Though, the changes will be on the inside and transparent to the users. You likely won't see big changes or improvements since the certified market makes that a lot harder.
...Any reason NOT to order panel components early?...

IMHO, the only reason to not put your money down and get that gear on order is indecision.

If you decide on what model year your build is gonna be, then lock it in and don't look back.

If on the other hand, you don't want to lock in your technology, because you want the latest and greatest gear, then put it off as long as possible. Just be prepared for sticker shock when you start comparing new prices to what you would've paid if you'd bought earlier.
See there, range of reactions. Like I was thinking.

No, dont need the absolute latest and greatest. Like field tested gear.
No indecision. Know the setup I want.
Yes, would like to avoid price increases.
Yes, like overlapping the delay times.

And, have NOTHING on the kits at this time.
Expect tail/cone later in 2022, and QB kits in mid 2023.
So could do panel work in between.
Dynon warranty is 3 years so that is in your favor.
Currently the screens are not available unless a supplier has still got some in stock. Hopefully not too long before manufacturing resumes.
Prices are more likely to go up than down.
Another thing to consider is that there is ALWAYS something newer and flashier come out with the next upgrade. If you are susceptible to "fear of missing out" you'll never complete the panel. Best advise I can give you is, when it's time to order the panel, look at the CURRENTLY AVAILABLE hardware - make a decision on what you want - order it - and walk away from the computer. No more window shopping, the decision is made, install it and fly it.

This, coming from the guy that cut three panels for his airplane in 4 years. I know that of which I speak.
If you plan on completing your build within the next 1-1.5 years, I would order NOW. Lead times on just about everything is crazy!
If I was looking to build a new panel, I’d want maximum flexibility and the plug and play concept of an AFS Advanced Panel would be hard to pass up. Rob Hickman could build your panel now and you could choose and order the avionics later, and just plug them in. Upgrades down the road are similarly simple.

Rob is well-known in the industry and highly regarded. I’d check it out,.

ETA: Advanced Flight Systems is part of Dynon. Putting Dynon components in it is straightforward, but you can use other components as well.
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Thanks all for the replies.

For many of the reasons posted by others here, I am inclined to go ahead and order now. More uncertainties of waiting these days than in the past.
I have been 7 yrs completing the project that I bought. I thought it would take 2. In that time avionics has changed a lot. If I were starting from a new kit I would not order anything until I had the shell built. Things are just evolving too quickly in the world of avionics.
I have been 7 yrs completing the project that I bought. I thought it would take 2. In that time avionics has changed a lot. If I were starting from a new kit I would not order anything until I had the shell built. Things are just evolving too quickly in the world of avionics.

I had a solid 5-year build plan, and it only took me 8 years. No good plan survives first contact with the enemy. :cool:
When to order Dynon panel

Good morning BruceW,

Lot's of good advice here for other owners/builders. I have been a discount Dynon dealer since 2015 and I have always recommended to potential customers to hold off on the non-essential (at the time) items during a build. The reasons are, the warranty is 3 years (probes, pressure sensors, and flow sensors, D1, D2, and D3 Pocket Panel Portable EFIS systems are covered by a one-year limited warranty) from purchase and begins at delivery and there is the risk of damage or theft and as noted previously, you get the freshest item.

Dynon has had only moderate price increases over the past 6 years, usually less than 4 % on select items and some years none at all. This year a couple of the Core components and cables went up in price but not the panels.
I talk with Dynon a couple of times a week and they are experiencing cost increases for the items they purchase from vendors and try to limit their price increase to actual increases cost.
I hope this helps,
Northwest Avionics