
Well Known Member
am debating about installing autopilot (or provisions) now, or waiting until after getting this thing flying. the theory being I can defer some outlays until later. would it be too much pain to add servos, etc, to a completed plane?
Pitch Servo Brackets

James - if you are at all thinking about a Tru-Track in your future, I'd install the brackets for the pitch servo now - they are simply slightly longer angles that hold the elevator bellcrank, and scarring for it now will cost a buck or two in material and save some retrofitting later. You might also think about scarring in some appropriate wires.

I agree

I installed a Pictorial pilot during the build and added the wiring for the ALTRAK.

To be honest the PP is not useful during phase 1, just as a GNS430 isn't either.

I delayed the purchase of the GNS430 (for instrument flying) and left out the ALTRAK.

If I were doing it again I would lalso eave out the PP as well but prewire for both, and stick them in at the end of phase 1.

I would also drill the hole in the becrank for the ALTRAK...Now I have to take my belcrank out ...I think.

Think about servo installation now

When I was at Oshkosh last July, I visited the Trio autopilot folks and was very impressed with their product (as are those who have flown them). The trio guys encouraged me to purchase an aileron servo now ($700) and install in in the wing before closing it up. I was hesitant, but they gave me a written guarantee that I could return the servo for any reason (including if I did not like the color). I went ahead with the purchase and installed the brackets for it in my right wing before riveting on the bottom skins. In reality, you are fabricating the servo bracket and doubler and then removing the entire assembly before final installation of the bottom skins. Making the servo bracket was a piece of cake with the bottom skins off. Now that the skins are all installed permanently, I can reinstall the servo through the inspection hole quite easily. As an added bonus, this lets me purchase the autopilot system over a little time rather than taking the big hit in the wallet all at once. Have fun!
Steve Ashby
Steve, do you have any pics of your installation you can share? I am getting ready to start closing up the wings, and I have been thinking of the roll servo myself. I have seen the SafeAir1 kit, which can be added later, but I don't thing I have seen a standard trio install (in the wing).
Can the Trio and the Tru Trak use the same servo? The only reason I ask is I wouldn't mind putting the servo bracket in before I close my wing up, but it would be nice to delay any choice as long as possible.
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Pics of Trio Install

If you will send me an email to [email protected] I'll send you some pics Jerry initially sent me of the install of the new Trio Servo. Very, very nice unit. Highly recommend. If you don't want attachments, let me know and I'll throw them up on my website.