
Well Known Member
I seem to be all over the place with my project so I thought I would ask for some advice. I have started to run my wires (to the tail) and have been staring a lot at the plane scratching my head as to where to run the wires in the front. This got me to thinking, Should the wires go in after the wings has been fitted. how did you other RV-8A guys do yours. I think the 8A has more issues since the wing bolts and gear mounts make access tough. My plan was to keep working on the plane at home (warm garage) then fit the wings once I get things to the airport. My thought is I would have wired the plane, gear mounted and engine mounted, then take it to the airport to fit the wings. The wings would come back off for painting, I plan to paint before first flight.

So anyone have a good sequence for this. Right now I have a fuselage with no top skins, most of the wires to the tail section area installed. My wings are done except for installing the fuel senders and last bottom skin. I am also thinking I should have the main control column in the plane when running the wires, so I can avoid any interference, I was leaving the control column out to make access in the tail for riveting easier.

Thanks for any help.
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Hello Mike !

Ciao, how are you ?

Btw... this is my idea.

You know I'm building in my garage and I've just finished my wiring aft/fwd fuselage, my panel is on and complete and Yes I had same problem of head scratching about when install my wings.

Do everythings, obviously when you'll put your wings bolt you'll have to remove the left panel with fuel selector and right panel (under the switches) but I think that it's part of this play (everyone would like do things only one time .. me too), take a look to this thread for wing root connections

In a few days I'll put some add-on photos into my web site.

This thread helped me (#11)


other (inside) sample : http://www.rv8.it/log/wiring_1/Pages/43.html
Ciao Luca

Ciao, how are you ?

Btw... this is my idea.

You know I'm building in my garage and I've just finished my wiring aft/fwd fuselage, my panel is on and complete and Yes I had same problem of head scratching about when install my wings.

Do everythings, obviously when you'll put your wings bolt you'll have to remove the left panel with fuel selector and right panel (under the switches) but I think that it's part of this play (everyone would like do things only one time .. me too), take a look to this thread for wing root connections

In a few days I'll put some add-on photos into my web site.

This thread helped me (#11)


other (inside) sample : http://www.rv8.it/log/wiring_1/Pages/43.html

Thank you for the link, it will be very helpful. I am running my wires the same as you in the foot well area. I have everything done for the most part in the tail, I still need to run the compass wire to the back, I had some trouble getting my panel done and I have a pre-wired harness so I really could not get going on running wires to the back. I am almost ready to go though.

I was thinking of don the big plugs so the panel can com out easily, but I wondered how you handle the Mic and headphone wire, I think it is shielded, will you use a jack behind the panel so you can totally remove the panel?

I have only been back from Italy for a week, we spent 1 week in Amalfi right by the sea, very nice. There were fires in the hills, we had front row seat as the "Scooper" plane picked up water to drop on the fire. Bye for now

Ciao. :D

hi mike !

take a look to the 'second step' on my website


you could get some ideas.

I'm wiring my avionics at moment, my option for a detachable panel is :

- 3 big CPC plug for instrument wiring + sensors + ground @ power
- 3 big CPC plug for my EI ubg-16 engine monitor
- 2 bnc antenna plug under the avionics stack
- 1 d-sub connector (apparel) for SL-40
- 1 d-sub connector (apparel) for GTX-328 xprd
- 1 d-sub connector (apparel) for Dynon D-10a
- 1 d-sub connector (apparel) for Intercomm

So to remove my panel I have to unplug the d-subs for the avionics and probably cut some easy position tie-rap (thanks to the panel/baggage window). I choose this option to avoid too many lost signal (see connection) in avionics stack; tried and runs for me.

Let me know if you need other informations or more detailed photos
