
Well Known Member
I have my tail section finished and rigged. The manual suggests not mounting the emp fairings because the incidence angle may have to be changed after test flights. I am building in a garage and will only have a tie down at the airport. I prefer not to do my fitting at the airport if possible.

How many of you have had to modify the rigging of the horiz or vert stab from the settings outlined in the manual after initial test flights?


I have my tail section finished and rigged. The manual suggests not mounting the emp fairings because the incidence angle may have to be changed after test flights. I am building in a garage and will only have a tie down at the airport. I prefer not to do my fitting at the airport if possible.

How many of you have had to modify the rigging of the horiz or vert stab from the settings outlined in the manual after initial test flights?



I suggest going ahead and fitting it. Unless you're a real tinkerer, you'll never change it.
I agree with Kyle. I wanted to make the first flight without the emp. fairing installed in case I had to change the angle of incidence on the HS, but my flight advisor (who made the flight), refused to fly without the fairing. I wasn't yet RV-qualified, so I went ahead and installed the fairing. I never changed the HS, so all is well.
I built early RV-6 and made a cardboard fairing for the first few flights.
Made no changes.
The caution stems from the RV-4 design. Many people had to make changes to the RV-4 horizontal stabilizer during phase I. I know of no one who had to change it on the -6.