
Well Known Member
I've been bouncing around a lot in my wing plans but for some reason even after re-reading sections I'm not seeing where to dimple my main wing ribs. Can someone point me to the chapter/page/step so I can verify when I'll be doing it and marking it off?
I've been bouncing around a lot in my wing plans but for some reason even after re-reading sections I'm not seeing where to dimple my main wing ribs. Can someone point me to the chapter/page/step so I can verify when I'll be doing it and marking it off?
This is for an 8 but I suspect you can find it for the 10.


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I've been bouncing around a lot in my wing plans but for some reason even after re-reading sections I'm not seeing where to dimple my main wing ribs. Can someone point me to the chapter/page/step so I can verify when I'll be doing it and marking it off?
16-2, step 6
I've been priming after all other forming steps but before dimpling; it seems to be easier to cover the part and then the dimpling doesn't seem to disturb the priming. If you're priming I'd consider trying that. I don't always do it in that order, depends on the simultaneous things going on and I paint when I have a critical mass and a warmer no-wind day outside.
I've been priming after all other forming steps but before dimpling; it seems to be easier to cover the part and then the dimpling doesn't seem to disturb the priming. If you're priming I'd consider trying that. I don't always do it in that order, depends on the simultaneous things going on and I paint when I have a critical mass and a warmer no-wind day outside.
I usually dimple then prime because I seem to have prime Crack off with the forming. I'm ready to do a big prime batch so I am trying to decide if I prime these ribs now or in a following batch.
That might depend on your primer. I don' t mean to mislead. My primer, 2 part epoxy Akzo-Nobel seems to hold tight to the metal and makes the surface even harder than it was. YMMV. Best regards.
It really doesn't matter as long as the holes get dimpled. I prefer to dimple after priming as it is easier to clean and scuff the sheet without dimples. There's nothing to say you must do everything in the order it appears in the manual...
I have an 8 kit but I'm at this same point getting ready to rivet the main ribs to the spars. I see no harm in dimpling the ribs after they've been primed and before I rivet them in place. Although it may actually be easier to dimple them with them hanging from the spars. Game time decision!

Edit: thinking about it, it will be sort of a pain to dimple the inboard most ribs, the group of 4 (in my kit) that are all right next to each other. So in that case, probably easier to dimple them now. That means in my case, final sizing the holes on the ribs before dimpling them. But now I'm over thinking all this which in my experience is the enemy of progresss, lol! What to do.... I'll have to read the instructions a bit to decide.

This is where the 10, 12 and 14 builders have an advantage as this kind of stuff is already thought out for you for the most part.
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