
Well Known Member
Hi everyone,

I have my engine mounted and have been working through my firewall forward kit. I have the rudder pedals and brake lines installed and the high pressure boost pump installed in the forward fuselage. I have the Van's wiring harness in place, but I haven't bought any avionics or done any panel wiring yet.

I'm at the point where I had planned to start working on my cowling, and was wondering if I should rivet the forward top skin in place yet. I would rather wait, but it seems like it should be riveted in place before I fit the cowling or make my forward baggage door.

What have others done?

edit: Never's an eight.... :)
I was thinking of lying upside down under a 6,7, or 9...

L.Adamson --- RV6A
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foward skin installation

It is best to rivet the foward skin on all RV aircraft after the panel wiring has been completed. Next step would be final painting. This means that all the firewall foward is complete and all the fiberglass components are ready to prime. This panel is the last skin riveted on the airplane. Good Luck
Sounds like you have quite a bit of the wiring done. I too think it's best to wait but not at the expense of progress.

If it will be a while before you buy your avionics then press on with riveting the skin. Don't cut the panel for the forward baggage door until your cowl is mounted perfectly. Having it in place wil make for a better fit of the cowl and later, the baggage door.

I didn't have the first wire run when I riveted mine on. Didn't wait for the cowl before cutting for the door. Wish I had.
.......I'm at the point where I had planned to start working on my cowling, and was wondering if I should rivet the forward top skin in place yet. I would rather wait, but it seems like it should be riveted in place before I fit the cowling or make my forward baggage door.

What have others done?


I waited to nail that upper skin on till the last possible moment. I did cut off that long narrow strip from the forward edge of the upper skin and riveted it into place on the firewall. Doing so allowed me to install the cowl hinge on the right side with rivets to enhance the cowl fitting procedure. You can still complete the cowl trim and baggage door assembly drill out as long as that top upper skin is 100% clecoed into place when you do those things but it is important to have the cowl pinned into place before starting the baggage door fitting. Two of the photos show the baggage door and upper skin merely clecoed into place.

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Thanks to everyone for their responses. Rick's pictures were excellent. I think I will follow his lead and rivet the forward edge of the skin to the firewall and camloc support strip so I can do the cowling without having to rivet the rest of the skin yet. I'll be out of town for a few days, but if anyone else has ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Take Care,
Generally - don't rivet anything unless you can't move forward (on something!) without doing so. Many (I included) fit the cowl with the top skin clecoed on. While it might feel satisfying to rivet things in place, being brutal about holding off until you simply can't go further without it will pay off.
Hold off

as long as you can, I didn't and had to do a lot of work twisted under the panel .Cut the baggage door out after the cowl is fitted( I didn't do that either) . This will keep the firewall more stable and you will get a better fit . Also modify the bulkhead as shown in Rick's pictures above , this will give you access to the back of the panel, this is one mod that you will be glad you did .