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I definitely will not have my RV-8 completed by January 1st of 2020, but realize I will be required to have ADS-B.

I am a long ways out from planning and purchasing any avionics for my airplane. I also know that these days avionics are like cell phones. Each year some kind of new, bigger, better, faster model comes out.

I am wondering if the price of ADS-B is going to go up or if people think it is going to go down as we get closer to it becoming a requirement as of January 1st of 2020.

Trying to decide if I should purchase an ADS-B system now or wait. Would like to hear other peoples opinions and reasoning.

Wait till you pick your EFIS. Then see what they offer that is integrated with it. And in general buy all your electronics last. I'm installing engine now and I think I'll write the EFIS check this fall.
I agree. Wait to buy the avionics until you're ready to install. The market is very competitive & buying now will be old technology when you install it. Warranty expired... Same goes with the ADS-B. Bundling will become the common place.
If you can install it yourself, wait. The prices will drop for a while longer. They might not as the deadline approaches, they might even go up as demand increases, and then will go down again afterwards.

If you need to take it to an installer, there's going to be a waiting line as we get close.

I definitely will not have my RV-8 completed by January 1st of 2020, but realize I will be required to have ADS-B.

Based in Santa Rosa, you are not "required" to have ADSB, although it is needed if you plan to fly within the SFO mode C veil.
I vote with the others. Think about it now, maybe even running wires and coax thru areas that will be inaccessible later, but buy all avionics last.
I did the panel prior to the engine, and I spent a fair bit of time during the engine install "changing things" on the panel for upgrades that had come out in the meantime that I just absolutely had to have.

Do the engine first, panel last. Pick your EFIS (I'm partial to Dynon) and find out what your options are to add ADSB in/out to that system.
If You Plan to Finish After the Deadline....

Manufacturers like Garmin have geared production to cover the entire GA fleet by 2020. After that date, there's going to be an awful lot of excess production capacity out there to satisfy the relatively small number of aircraft built each year. I suspect we'll see a lot of price elasticity.
Terry, CFI
Wait to buy the avionics until you're ready to install. The market is very competitive & buying now will be old technology when you install it. Warranty expired... Same goes with the ADS-B. Bundling will become the common place.
^^^ Agree 100% ^^^

Hmmm. Garmin builds transponders than are compatible with ADS-B out, but in the end are transponders. They might boost production to meet short term forecasts, but it's still a niche market that does not demand immediate satisfaction.
Re: When should I purchase ADS-B

Hmmm. Garmin builds transponders than are compatible with ADS-B out, but in the end are transponders. They might boost production to meet short term forecasts, but it's still a niche market that does not demand immediate satisfaction.

I?m not sure I would say ADS-B is ?niche? or ?short term? considering there is a list of other countries and regions implementing ADS-B. Here?s a good article showing the other countries and regions who are implementing ADS-B: http://www.universalweather.com/blog/2013/09/ads-b-requirements-coming-into-effect/